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its gotta be Iowa

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Q: Hurricanes have caused widespread damage in which state-Texas or Iowa?
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Hurricanes have caused widespread damages in which state- Texas or Iowa?

they have caused a widespread damage in Texas

Why is it that typically winds speeds in tornadoes are faster than wind speeds in hurricanes but hurricanes inflict more overall damage?

There are two reasons. First, while damage from a hurricane is usually less severe than that of a tornado, a hurricane covers a much larger area, so damage is more widespread. Second, much of the damage from hurricanes is not caused by wind, but by flooding.

What damage is caused by hurricanes and what forces cause the damage to occur?

it destroys the place you live

Which causes more damage a hurricane or tornado?

Both hurricanes and tornadoes vary in the amount of damage they cause. Both can occur without causing any damage or can caused utter devastation. Overall, damage from tornadoes tends to be more severe,but hurricanes generally cause a greater quantity of damage because they cover much larger areas.

How does a hurricane damage property?

Hurricanes can cause severe flooding though both rain and through storm surge, which essentially pushes the ocean onto land. These can damage or destroy property. Additional damage is caused by the powerful winds of hurricanes, which can damage roofs and siding and destroy some weaker structures. Hurricanes can also produce severe thunderstorms and tornadoes.

Do all hurricanes cause damage?

No. Some hurricanes stay at sea and do not result in any damage.

How can you put the word hurricanes in a sentence?

Hurricanes cause a lot of damage when the hit land. Each year many hurricanes cause damage to buildings.

What kinds of damage do hurricanes cause?

they cause damage by winds

Is a hurricane bad or a tornado?

Both natural disasters are equally terrible. Magnitude may affect how badly humans, animals, and the environment are affected. Hurricanes are classified by wind speed... A Category 1 hurricane would have winds up to 95 mph winds, while a Category 5 hurricane would have greater than 156 mph winds. A tornado is classified a little differently... according to the Fujita Scale, a tornado is classified by damage. Both a hurricane and a tornado have the potential to cause an equal amount of damage; a tornado might be more concentrated, while a hurricane could be more widespread. Overall, though, hurricanes can cause more damage. There have been many more hurricanes that caused over $1 billion in damage than tornadoes with the same amount, and more hurricanes than tornadoes with death tolls over 500.

Have there been other destructive hurricanes in the US so far this summer?

Yes, there have been several destructive hurricanes in the US so far this summer. Hurricane Elsa caused significant damage in Florida and other parts of the Southeast in early July. Hurricane Ida made landfall in Louisiana as a Category 4 storm in August, causing widespread devastation and leaving millions without power. Hurricane Nicholas also made landfall in Texas, bringing heavy rain and flooding.

Do hurricanes tornadoes and typhoons harm the Florida panhandle?

Hurricanes and tornadoes have caused damage in the Florida panhandle. A typhoon is essentially the same thing as a hurricane, but the term is used exclusively to describe a hurricane that occurs in the western Pacific Ocean.

Do hurricanes or tornadoes cause more damage in the US each year?

hurricanes cause more damage they can also cause earthquakes and tsunamis