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Q: Hydrogen lithium and sodium all have one valence electron Which element has the smallest atomic radius?
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Which element is smallest Excluding H and He element in the periodic table?

Lithium is the smallest element in the periodic table if Hydrogen and Helium are excluded.

Which element has one valenece electron?

Hydrogen, lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium, and francium have one valence electron.

What has the smallest atomic radius out of hydrogen sodium and lithium?

Hydrogen has the smallest atomic radius - 25 pm.

What is the lightest element in the universe?

Hydrogen is the lightest element in the universe, with a single proton and one electron in its nucleus.

Which element has the smallest anion radius?

Fluorine has the smallest anion radius among the elements.

What is the the most common charge of the element Li?

If you look at the periodic table, Lithium (Li) is in the first column, group 1A, under Hydrogen, and above Sodium (Na). These elements are typically "electron donors" to fill out their electron shell. So, Lithium, Hydrogen, and Sodium all would typically ionize with +1 charges.

What element has the electron configuration 1s2 2s1?

The element with the electron configuration 1s2 2s1 is lithium.

Which element has one 2s electron?


Which atom is the lightest?

The lightest atom is hydrogen. It consists of a single proton and an electron, making it the simplest and lightest element on the periodic table.

What two elements have the smallest atomic masses?

hydrogen and lithium

Which element between lithium potassium rubidium and cesium has the smallest ionization energy?

T he smallest first ionization energyis for lithium.

What is the smallest atom in the second row of periodic table?

The smallest atom in the second row of the periodic table is helium (He). It has an atomic number of 2 and consists of only 2 protons in its nucleus, making it the smallest atom in that row.