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I think it's Surviving the Game.

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Q: I'm looking for a movie title were a group of hunters bring a new guy every year on their hunting trip just to wake him up and then start to hunt him in the woods anyone?
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Why are some dogs hunters and some are not?

Technically, all dogs can be hunters. Some breeds have the hunting instinct honed by special breeding. Hunting dogs speciallize in tracking and killing prey. It will be easier to bring out the hunting instinct in a hunting dog, but it isn't impossible to train a non-hunting dog to hunt.

Hunters and gathers living condition in stone age?

yes, living condition was hunters and gather because that time there was no market .so they have to bring their food bring their food they used to kill animals which is known as hunting and bringing them in home which is known as gathering.

What are the Major Causes of Extinction?

I would say the Meteor that wiped out the prehistoric animal the dinosaur and hunting, a lot of animals are dying out purely because of hunters. Animals such as tigers have become that few that they will gain a bounty, hunters will be given large amounts of money to bring in these animals.

When you go hunting how much people should you bring?

When you go hunting the only person that you need to bring is yourself. So the answer is one.

How have people tried to kill bigfoot?

Many hunters are persuig the ultimate trophy in hunting. Capturing a bigfoot alive or dead will have the creature categorized to science. So far we are unable to bring a specimen forwad and the first get it will get much recognition.

What do hunters use beagles for?

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What species has Hunting fees and regulation helped to save?

Nearly a decade ago Rhinocerous populations had shrunk to nearly 50 individuals. Thanks to a demand by trophy hunters ranch owners were given the incentive to bring these animals to their properties and protect them for sport hunting. Thanks to this now nearly 11,000 individuals are living in the wild.

Can i bring my 10 year old son hunting?

Yes, you can until he is 16 then he will have to get a hunting licence

The purpose of conservation hunting and fishing?

The purpose is to support the environment and the animals that live in it. When you pay for animal tags and licenses in most if not all states have a portion of that money go to conservation programs that protect the places and things we shoot. If there is an overpopulation many times it is hunters that bring the population level down to a balanced number. Hunters are the conservationists of the world.

Did prehistoric people ever get killed when they went hunting?

Setting aside the issue of some kind of "dumb" accident, it is almost certain that some prehistoric hunters were killed when actually hunting. Some of the animals they hunted were larger and much more powerful than the hunters themselves, and given the reactions of animals, something disastrous could occur in situations like we imagine regarding hunters. Yes, some hunters back then were undoubtedly killed by animals they hunted. The hunters of prehistory had the most crude weapons. They were starkly simple, and cannot begin to be compared to the contemporary hunters' weapons. The weapons ancients used included hand axes and spears. They were in many cases elegant weapons, but they lacked the stand-off killing power of a rifle, or even a long bow. That means that the hunters had to be fairly close to animals they were trying to bring down. And in some cases hunters became casualties of the hunt.

Can you bring a hunting knife to Australia?

no you can't ok......

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They hunt hurricanes to bring you live footage