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i usually come on around about the 2nd or third day, although it is my third day of pill free week now and i still havent come on :S it should be ok it being day 4 but if u dont come on at all go see a nurse :D U WILL BE FINE :D

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Q: I'm on day 4 of my pill free week on Cilest and haven't come on. I'm not sure I've taken all pills correctly. Can anyone tell me how many days into their pill free week they tend to get their period?
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You have been prescribed to take the Cilest Pill to regulate your periods you have started today should you still take them or leave them to next month?

you are supposed to begin taking cilest on the first day of your period. Then you are protected from day one.

Is it ok to take two packs of Cilest with no pill-free weeks in between?

I don't know anything about Cilest, but any pill pack can be taken back to back while skipping the placebo week. It's beneficial for going on vacation or if your period comes during a week where it's really inconvenient.

You are on the pill but your period is 4 days late.?

i am taking Cilest but forgot to take one pill on the day 13 and now late 4 days in my free week

Do you have to have a period on the 7 day break on mercilon pill i havent had my period yet and im on my 4th day?

Sometimes the birth control pill can make your period so light, it doesn't come at all. If you used the pill correctly the month before, there's no cause for concern.

What else can make you miss a period?

i havent not started my period for September or october

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Been on cilest birth pill for 3 months im now on my pill free week was meant to start my period on monday its now wed still no period whats wrong?

You just have to wait. it will eventually come, well fingers crossed that is!!

Havent had a normal period since May 14 hardly bleed at all when you get your period?

same with me.

How do you finger yourself if you haven't had your period?

having period has nothing to do wit masturbation.So you can finger your self as usual if you havent had your period.

Can girls produce discharge even if they havent started their period?

Yes (:

Havent had period in two months worried im 16 sure havent had sex.?

Periods come and go, I wouldn't worry to much :)

Can you get pregnant if you have not had your period in 7 month's?

If you havent had your period in 7 months you probably need to go to the doctor, that is not normal.