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Nothing to worry about but perform a HPT.

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Q: I'm trying to get pregnant and this month my period was late short and bright red should I worry?
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Related questions

Trying to get pregnant but you got your period does this mean you are pregnant?

While menstruation might co-occur during early pregnancy, it is very rare. So you should consider that if you do have your period, you are not pregnant.

What are the chances of getting pregnant during your period?

It's possible, so you should always use protection unless you're trying to get pregnant. You should take a pregnancy test if you miss your next period.

Can women get pregnant on their period?

Yes, so it's important to always use protection unless you're trying to get pregnant, and if you miss your next period you should take a pregnancy testYes

Can you get pregnant 2-3 days before your period?

It is possible, so you should make sure you use protection unless you're trying to get pregnant

How long should you take the pill before trying to get pregnant?

If you are trying to get pregnant then you should not take the pill at all.

How long after the end of your period can you get pregnant?

you can not get pregnant while you have your period. you can only get pregnant when you are ovulating. ovulation happens about two weeks after your last period. if you are trying for a baby then the doctors can tell you when you are ovulating

Do you have to take the green pills if trying to get pregnant?

You should not take any birth control pills if you're trying to get pregnant.

Trying to get pregnant and period is due tomorrow but you are having a light green mucos discharge could you be pregnant?

No. Sounds like an STD. You should never, ever discharge green, or even slightly green. You may still be pregnant, but that is not a sign of it.

Should men use steriods when trying to get pregnant?

Men cant get pregnant bud

Can i get pregnant if my period is not regular?

Yes. If you are trying to get pregnant you may want to invest in a home pregnancy prep kit that tries to help you time when you are most fertile. If you are trying to not get pregnant, you should always use a condom because the timing methods ("rhythm method", "natural birth control", etc.) aren't going to work for you.

Should men use steriods when trying to get a female pregnant?

Men should not use steroids when trying to get a female pregnant unless they are medically necessary and have been prescribed by a doctor.

What drugs should a women avoid if she is trying to become pregnant?

ALL of them ! If a woman is trying to become pregnant, the only drugs she should be taking, are those prescribed by a qualified medical practitioner !