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What happens when light shines on a translucent object?

The light shines through but only blurry so you cannot see the outline aswell Hope this helps x

Does the moon give light to the earth?

Only because the sun shines on the moon.

What colour would a white surface look in red light?

A "white surface" is one that reflects all colors of light. That's why it looks white when a white light shines on it, and that's why you call it "white". If only red light shines on it, then it looks red.

What gives off light and produces it in space?

Stars are the only objects in space that give off their own light.Other objects are visible only if a star shines on them.

When white light shines through a green glass bottle the bottle appears magenta?

most of the colours in the light are filtered out and only the mix that makes magenta are allowed through.

Why a green cap looks black in blue light?

The cap is called 'green' because it absorbs all other colors of light, leaving only the green light to bounce from it to your eyes. If no green light shines on it, then there's no light to bounce from it to your eyes, and it appears black. If you only shine blue light on it, then there's no green light shining on it.

Does the earth reflect the light of the sun like the moon does?

Yes. The sun is the only object in the solar system that shines with its own light. If anything else in the solar system is visible, it's only because the big flashlight in the center is shining on it.

If object is white in sunlight what color will it be in green light?

If an object is white in sunlight it will be green in green light. A white object reflects all wavelengths (colors) of light that shine on it. If only green light shines on it, that color will be reflected and the object will look green.

Is moon a shining body?

The moon is not shining body because it does not release light of its own. In our solar system, only the Sun is a "shining body." The Moon shines by the reflected light of the Sun.

Why does a red shirt look black in blue light?

Well, why do you call it a red shirt ? Could it be because it absorbs all colors of light except red, so that when white light shines on it, all colors except red soak into the shirt, and red is the only light left to travel from the shirt to your eye ? If that is so, then what happens if no red light shines on the shirt ? Is there any light left to travel to your eye ? No ? Well then, what color do you see if no light travels from the shirt to your eye ? I hope Socrates would be proud.

Do comets make their own production of light?

No. Just like the planets and their moons, you can only see a comet when the sun shines on it ... just as you have to shine a flashlight on a rock in order to see it at night. The sun is the only thing in our solar system that makes its own light.

Why the moon is so hot?

It is almost absolute zero degrees on the moon. It has no atmosphere to hold in the suns heat and its core is cold and dead. It shines only in reflected light.