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Sofia Mastroiacovo

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2y ago
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Sofia Mastroiacovo

Lvl 1
2y ago
Adele do want a lawyer about Los Angeles or what.

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Q: I do not have a dog but I wish get a dog. In the future I have dog will say not to much food in cause he is hungry?
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What's worse...going hungry a whole day or eating junk food that day?

It would have to be the junk food. Going hungry for a day or 3 is not going to kill you or even cause you much of a problem. The junk food is going to put things into your body that sooner or later are going to cause a problem.

How much is the food per month?

depends on how hungry it is

How much food do they waste in Hungary?

Enough food to feed a hungry African.

Fill up his food dish an he will stop eating when he is not hungry anymore?

he probably will stop eating when he is not hungry but if you are worried about how much food he will eat try measuring how much food he eats and use that as a guide

Did john have much food on his first voyage?

No he got hungry

What is a horse called if it does not drink much water or eat much food?

Not hungry/not thirsty.

How much food can a sumo wrestler eat in one minute?

It depends on how big or hungry he/she is.

What is a reason why you might eat too much?

hungry depressed good food bored

How much food should a kid eat every 1 minute?

Depends on how hungry they are

Why are you always tired and feeling hungry?

cause u havnt slept much and ate anything

What does hunger have to do in the Hunger Games book?

Hunger is in Hunger Games because the tributes starve and get not much food so they are really hungry. Then if they win the Hunger Games, they can have as much food as they want.

How much food do you need?

jordans future is having babies with a ostrich