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Are you sure you have not re-injured the knee in some way? If the fracture you mentioned was years ago then perhaps it didn't heal properly or like I said you may have re-injured it. Do you do any stressful exercise or anything that might re-aggravate it? Obviously a doctor will know more. It sounds like you are doing all the right things, maybe try some different shoes.

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3y ago
I have fallen on it, and is has gotten really bad! I did cross country this year and it was swollen for three month and bad pain. I do yoga and exercises that my PT gave me. but, when i do those I get pain too. I was think of getting re - evaluated! 

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Q: I have knee pain I fracture my knee 6 years ago. In my teens. The fracture is healed, but the pain will not go away after I have ice it, took medication, and did PT! But, it is not just one it is both of my knees I also see a orthopedic. Any advice?
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you prevent a fracture by putting it in a sling for 4 weeks and after, take it off slowly and you will know that God has healed you! P.S, hope it works!

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