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the axis power would most likely have won the war.

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Q: IF US didn't attack Japan how much longer would World War 2 go on?
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When did japan attack indo-china?

They didnt attack it, they demanded it from Vichy France, and it was in 1940.

What promoted the US to attack Japan in world war 2?

We were ready to end the war and didnt want to lose men to invade Japan so we scared them away from war.

Why did Japan use the atomic bomb in world war 2?

They didnt - the US used it on them twice

Did the president know that japan was going to attack pearl harbor?

yes,they had some resources that the U.S. was going to be attacked,but they didnt know who,so 50/50

Why did Japan create World War 2?

actually they didnt create the war just kina shoved the U.S. into it

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It didnt really affect the war that much. the attack was to small to affect it very much.

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they didnt

America entering World War 2?

America didnt enter WW2 until the Japanese surprise attack on pearl harbour

Hitler signed a non-attack treaty?

no he didnt

When did japan begin using kamikaze attacking?

Japan didnt use kamakazi attacks until late in the war when it was losing.

Why did japense immigrants leve japan?

because they didnt want to stay cause they didnt have money for rent

What caused the US involvement in World War 2?

pear harbour turned them on japan, and then Hitler decided to get involved with it aswell for no real reason other then to save face since he didnt actually know about his supposed allies plan to attack pearl harbour. This basically lost Hitler the war.