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What is the Difference between cyclic and acyclic structure?

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What is the difference between reversible and cyclic process?

A reversible process is one that can be undone with no change in entropy of the system and surroundings. A cyclic process is one that starts and ends at the same state, with the system going through a series of state changes. All reversible processes are cyclic, but not all cyclic processes are reversible.

What is a cyclic relationship?

Something that is cyclic repeats a pattern of some sort. A cyclic relationship is a relationship between two people or things that repeat a pattern. For example: 1. Breathing is a scientific cyclic relationship where the oxygen cycles into the body and carbon dioxide is released in a periodic pattern. 2. The relationship between your two friends who continuously break up and get back together many times could be considered a cyclic romance/relationship.

What happens between attack of Cyclic vomiting syndrome?

Between attacks, there is no sign of any illness

Every subgroup of a cyclic group is cyclic?

Yes, every subgroup of a cyclic group is cyclic because every subgroup is a group.

Is meiosis cyclic or non cyclic?

Meiosis is not cyclic; rather it is a linear process. It does not cycle.

The water cycle occurs between the earth and the?

The water cycle occur between the earth and the air. It is a cyclic process.

What is the difference between Linear Block Codes and Cyclic Codes?

linear codes and cyclic codes sub class of block codeswhere linear codes satisfies linearity property i.e. addition of any two code vectors produces another valid code vector where as cyclic codes satisfies cyclic shift property i.e. for every cyclic shift of a code vector produces another valid code vector

What is required to excite the electrons of the chlorophyll and start the cyclic and non-cyclic phosphorylation?

To excite the electrons of chlorophyll and initiate cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation in photosynthesis, light energy is required. The energy from photons of light is absorbed by chlorophyll molecules in the thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts, leading to the excitation of electrons and the subsequent transfer of these electrons through the electron transport chain. This process generates ATP and NADPH, which are essential for the synthesis of carbohydrates during the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis.

What are the differences between cyclic and noncyclic electron flow?

In cyclic electron flow, electrons circulate within only one photosystem, typically photosystem I, creating ATP but no NADPH. In noncyclic electron flow, electrons move from photosystem II to photosystem I, generating both ATP and NADPH. Noncyclic flow is the predominant pathway in photosynthesis, while cyclic flow serves to supplement ATP production when NADPH levels are sufficient.

Is every abelian group is cyclic or not and why?

every abelian group is not cyclic. e.g, set of (Q,+) it is an abelian group but not cyclic.

Is the light dependant reaction cyclic?

Light dependant reactions in photophosporilation can either be cyclic of non-cyclic. It all depends on the organism.