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Light dependant reactions in photophosporilation can either be cyclic of non-cyclic. It all depends on the organism.

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Q: Is the light dependant reaction cyclic?
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How is light reaction of photosynthesis started?

Absorbtion of light by photosystems in cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation.

What is netgain light reaction?

The net gain of light reaction in non cyclic photophosphorylation is 3 ATP and 2 NADPH and oxygen is evolved. While in cyclic photophosphorylation 1 ATP is gained.

What reaction in photosynthesis produces oxygen for the atmosphere?

Light-Dependant Reactions

Where does cyclic electron transport occur?

The Light-Dependent reaction of photosynthesis.

Where doe the ATP come fom that is used during the light-independent reactions?

From light dependant reaction.

What are the end product's of light dependant reaction?

there are two products. those are NADPH and ATP.

When chlorophyll molecules asbosrb light?

It is in the light dependant reaction. Thew first step of the photosynthesis.

How does light enter the light dependant reaction?

Blue and red absorbed best. Green is not absorbed

What is the function of the light independent reaction?

Produces sugar specially G3P .. The light dependant produces ATP and NADPH for light independent reactions to produce sugar from CO2 and RuBP.

Compare and contrast light dependent and light independent reactions of photosynthesis.?

Light dependent reactions : The first stage of the photosynthetic system is the light-dependent reaction, which converts solar energy into chemical energy. The light dependent reaction produces oxygen gas and converts ADP and NADP+ into the energy carriers ATP and NADPH. In plants, light dependent reactions occur in the thylakoid membranes of the chloroplasts and use light energy to synthesize ATP and NADPH. The light dependent reaction has two forms; cyclic and non-cyclic reaction. In the non-cyclic reaction, the photons are captured in the light-harvesting antenna complexes of photosystem II by chlorophyll and other accessory pigments.The cyclic reaction takes place only at photosystem I. Once the electron is displaced from the photosystem, the electron is passed down the electron acceptor molecules and returns back to photosystem I, from where it was emitted; hence the name cyclic reaction. Light-independent reaction : In photosynthesis, the light-independent reactions, also somewhat misleadingly called the dark reactions (they don't require darkness, but they do require the products of the light reactions), are chemical reactions that convert carbon dioxide and other compounds into glucose. It occurs in the stroma, the fluid filled area of a chloroplast outside of the thylakoid membranes. These reactions, unlike the light-dependent reactions, do not need light to occur; hence the term dark reactions. These reactions take the products of the light-dependent reactions and perform further chemical processes on them. There are two light-independent reactions: carbon fixation and the Calvin-Benson cycle.

What is the main function of The light independent reaction?

Produces sugar specially G3P .. The light dependant produces ATP and NADPH for light independent reactions to produce sugar from CO2 and RuBP.

What reactions are referred to as light dependent reactions?

Cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation.