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What is infection of the bladder called?

A UTI or Urinary Tract Infection.

How do bugs get in your urine?

bladder infection or urinary tract infection (UTI)

What has the symptoms of a UTI but is not a UTI?

Sometimes a kidney stone can give off the same symptoms such as burning and pain. Also you can have a bladder infection as well that can also present some of the same symptoms.

Histology report says fungal infection from sample taken from bladder. have been very sick. is this normal. waiting results from urine sample. what are symptoms of fungal infection of the bladder?

When I had my fungal bladder infection the symptoms were exactly the same as a normal bacterial UTI in fact the doctor in the ER treated it as a bacterial bladder infection it wasn't until I went to my primary doctor and had more testing done just 2 days later that it was found to be fungal. The only thing that was different was that there were large floating particles in my urine my doctor told me these were collanies of fungi the smell of my urine was different than when I had bacterial bladder infections. Mind you I have had several bacterial UTI's. I hope this helps you If you do have a fungal bladder infection and are female they need to check and see if you have the same infection in you vagina.

What causes bloody mucus in your urine accompanied by shooting pains and painful diarrhea?

You could have a bladder infection or UTI (same thing.) UTI stands for Urinary Tract Infection. If you suspect that it's a bladder infection, drink plenty of water or cranberry juice is recommended, and wear cotton underwear (females). You can go to the doctor where they will test your urine for bacteria and give you antibiotics if it is confirmed that you have a bladder infection.

An example of an upper UTI?

Kidney infection is an example of an upper UTI. Lower UTIs include the urethra and bladder.

Can a male with bladder infection cause trichomoniasis?

A bladder infection can't turn into trichomoniasis. Trich can cause many symptoms similar to UTI, though.

Why you going to pee again and again and still have pressure?

You probably have a urinary tract infection (UTI), probably bladder UTI. Go to the doctor, or it can cause a kidney infection.

What are some of the early symptoms of a bladder infection?

There are various symptoms of a bladder infection also known as UTI. Some of the early signs of a bladder infection include pain while urinating, frequent urination, and blood in urine.

What are the differences between the upper and lower uti?

Lower UTI refers to urethra, bladder, and prostate in males Upper UTI refers to kidneys (pyelonephritis- infection of the kidney)

What is meant by lower UTI?

Urinary track infection e.g. a bladder infection. You should drink plenty of water to flush out bacteria and take all the prescribed antibiotic.

What are the chief differences between an upper and lower UTI?

Lower UTI refers to urethra, bladder, and prostate in males Upper UTI refers to kidneys (pyelonephritis- infection of the kidney)