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In both ways, e-learning courses and conventional courses can be very beneficial to an individual who really had learned something from either of the two. Bot h has their own advantage and disadvantage over the other.

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Q: IS THE E-Learning is more effective than conventional learning?
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eLearning Software?

When it comes to education, you would be hard-pressed to find someone who says that technology has not had a major impact on the process. The widespread use of computers and the internet has changed the way people learn, and in many ways has streamlined the process. One of the best ways to learn something new - be it a process, language or otherwise - is to utilize eLearning software. eLearning software is easy to use, incredibly effective and can be used in a variety of different scenarios. Most people hear the phrase eLearning software and instantly think of higher-education. The fact is, this type of software is beginning to be used more and more by higher-education institutions, as it has been found to be a quick and effective way to teach students something new. Many online colleges utilize eLearning software as the cornerstone of their programs, as it allows one to go at their own pace and learn the way they’re comfortable learning. While eLearning software makes perfect sense in an educational setting, there are other reasons for its use that are just as viable. Businesses use eLearning software to teach new processes and methods to their employees. This is a quick, effective way of delivering information to what could potentially be thousands of employees all at the same time. As time goes on, experts believe that eLearning software will replace other, more traditional forms of training in the workplace. Finally, eLearning software has been proven to be extremely effective for those who are trying to learn a new language. Languages can be difficult to learn, especially some of the more complex languages spoken around the world. With eLearning software, one has the distinct advantage of being able to learn visually and audibly at the same time - a crucial element for learning a language quickly. Many people find that they can learn the basics of a language within only a month or two via this method. Put simply, eLearning software has changed the landscape of how people educate themselves, and has an extremely bright future in both the business and individual markets.

What are the benefits of Spaced Learning?

Before I get into the benefits of spaced learning, you must understand the term “spaced learning”. The concept of Space Learning goes way back to 1885 when German psychologist, Hermann Ebbinghaus hypothesized the Forgetting Curve and introduced the spacing effect. “According to the Forgetting Curve, the learnings are forgotten over time in the absence of any attempt to reinforce them.” Another key aspect of spaced learning is the repetition of concepts. Repetition helps to memorize and improve long-term learning and recall. “Studies have proved that the spaced repetition method enhances long-term retention by around 200%.” How does the Spaced Learning Method work in eLearning? In eLearning, spaced learning provides online learners with an opportunity to engage and assimilate the knowledge before moving on to the next session of the eLearning course. Because of decreased cognitive overload, the learners feel they are in much better control and, their stress level decreases. This makes their eLearning experience not just enjoyable but far more effective. Following are the Benefits of Spaced Learning Technique Spaced learning might sound like a slower process than some of the most conventional approaches like full-day training courses. But spaced learning can be super effective if implemented correctly, and offers plenty of benefits. 1. Easy Learning and Less Load: Working and learning at the same time is not easy. If the learner is challenged in their daily life, then adding more learning stuff to their schedule, is not going to benefit at all. And if their minds are exhausted, then their chances of learning, understanding, absorbing, and recalling new knowledge become slim. Then, what’s the point of investing time and resources into training programs, if learners are unlikely to recall that information? This is why spaced learning exercises are separated by breaks. Small breaks for the mind to think about something else, or nothing else. This way, the brain has less of a load to take at any given time. So, learners feel reduced mental exhaustion and are more likely to assimilate the information they’re learning when they’re learning it. They’ll have more mental energy for the daily challenge presented by work, too. 2. Facilitate Long Term Remembering: Spaced learning improves learning. But it’s very important to be specific about this. Spacing repetitions over time facilitates long-term remembering. It also enables learners to store information in memory in a manner that makes the information more resistant. 3. Store Information in Memory: Spaced learning also enables learners to store information in memory in a manner that makes the information more resistant. 4. Learning Concepts More Interesting Spaced learning makes the learning concepts more interesting. And, encourage learners to study more efficiently without wasting time. With so many benefits, wouldn’t you too want to adopt spaced learning into your eLearning courses, or rather create an effective ‘spaced eLearning course’? This article is originally posted at

How can eLearning content solutions enhance employee training?

Elearning content solutions empower organizations to deliver consistent training across geographically dispersed teams. They enable the integration of multimedia elements, making the learning experience more engaging. Moreover, eLearning platforms often include analytics tools, providing insights into employee progress and areas that may need additional focus.

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In most circles, medicinal plants are the ones called traditional medicines. Modern medicine is called conventional medicine. Medicinal plants can be as effective as conventional medicine in some cases. Many conventional medicines come from plants.

What are some metacognitive learning strategies that makes learning more effective and efficient?

Some metacognitive learning strategies that can make learning more effective and efficient include self-assessment, setting learning goals, monitoring one's understanding of the material, actively seeking feedback, and using various study techniques to enhance comprehension and retention of information. These strategies help learners to be more aware of their learning process and to adapt their studying methods to be more successful.

How can you make e-learning content more interactive and engaging?

To design an elearning course with engagement, incorporate interactive elements like quizzes, simulations, and discussion forums. Additionally, use multimedia such as videos and infographics. 

What is the contribution of effective listening to effective learning?

Effective listening is crucial for effective learning as it helps in understanding the material being presented, clarifying doubts, and retaining information. By actively listening, learners can better engage with the content, process information more effectively, and improve their overall comprehension and retention.

Which is a good Rapid Interactive elearning Software Tool?

Raptivity, the award-winning rapid interactivity builder, helps you create true learning outcomes with meaningful interactivity. The Raptivity library of 200+ pre-built interactions is based on best practices in instructional design. The library of learning interactions includes learning games, simulations, videos, 3D objects, virtual worlds, animations, puzzles, surveys and many more. Raptivity allows complete customization of each interaction and outputs your interactivity to a single Flash file which fits right into your eLearning tools. Raptivity tracks completion status, score and responses and provides this information to authoring tools for SCORM/ AICC tracking with LMS. Anyone can use Raptivity with minimal learning and absolutely no programming. Raptivity recently won the prestigious Technology & Learning's Excellence Award, adjudged by a panel of eminent educators in San Francisco. Raptivity is the winner of the eLearning Guild Platinum Award for highest user satisfaction in simulation tools category and the Gold Award under games tools category. Raptivity is also among Top Three in Best of 2007 Elearning! Awards.

What is the importance of elearning?

With the introduction of more mobile internet technologies and cheaper laptops, we are seeing more and more users from students, staff to mentoring programs completed via elearning. Online sites such as and are giving users and organisations the opportunity to reach countless numbers of students and staff working from home or in distance locations. Combining the 24/7 accessibility and breaking down the geographical barriers makes elearning an essential tool for career and training development.