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I've already asnswered your question and if you come back with the type of language that you used in the above question we wll have to block you so you can't come here like some small kid and be rude to the people who are trying to help you. I did tell you it could be your hairs are growing in but if that doesn't safisfy you, go and see a doctor and stop waisting our time. GRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSs

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Q: I am 14 and my testicles have been itching slightly for 3 years now - what should I do?
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Im 14 and my testicles have been itching slightly for 3 years now. Is this nothing to worry about?

Answer Could be that you are itchy because the hairs are growing in, but a check up by a doctor could confirm this as it has to be terribly uncomfortable. It can be due to a number of reasons: - Sweat (keep fresh and clean) - Allergy to synthetic clothing (use cotton underwear) - Hair growth - Fungii (use an antifungal creme and follow the printed instructions) If none of the above suggestions solves the problem after 15 days, or if you notice colored spots in your testicles, consult a doctor.

What is the average age that a rat will live?

The average lifespan of a pet rat... (The large testicles of a male rat should be apparent by the age of three weeks.A rat will usually live two to five years in captivity (as a pet). In my experience, three years is about average. Males tend to live slightly longer than females.

What should you do when your are 16 years old and your testicles haven't dropped?

go to a doctor, you're either a girl, or allergic to testosterone

Do your testicles drop at 13 years old?

Normally, the testicles drop by age 1. If you cannot feel any testicles, please see a doctor, soon. There can be serious complications if you wait.

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1000 calories

I'm 14 and my balls for a lack of a politer word have been itching slightly for 3 years now. Im embarressed to talk to my parents about it what should I do Should I worry about it Is it puberty?

A: It's probably itching cuz you have hair growing there. But you should still let your doctor check it out during your next office visit. ANOTHER ANSWER: A few things to remember- your body is changing and growing. Make sure you wash down there EVERY day. If the itching is persistent and red and rash-like, you could have "jock itch". That's a fungs that grows in your crotch. If it's not too bad, get ahold of a can of "jock-itch " spray at your local drug store. CUREX is one kind and there are others. I know it's VERY embarrassing to bring it up to your parents or your doctor. Follow my suggestions, and if it gets worse, ask a parent to take to the doctor. Doctors have seen EVERYTHING, so don't be embarrassed. Tell your parents you are old enough to go into the doctors office on your own, you are old enough ! Hope this helps you out. Be Tough! Hi, I'd add just one thing... the "polite" (or correct anatomical) word for your ballsack is your scrotum and the balls inside it are correctly called your testes or testicles.

Can your testicles still grow after 20 years old?

No, and if they are doing so there is a problem and you need to see a doctor.

How far will my balls drop when you turn 60 years of age?

Balls (testicles) do not drop appreciably as you age.

Testicles being different in a 13 year old?

IM A FOOTER AND GOING TO BE fourteen years old

Imy son is eleven years old and is complaining of a pain in one of his testicles?

take him to the dr asap

You are 14 years oldI am 5.4 ft1.65MHow tall should you be?

Your height sounds pretty good for your age, maybe even slightly tall.

What to do about shih tzu itching all of asudden no fleas or ticks she's 2 years old?

Check the area where she is itching and check for any rash or irratation. If or if not something is found take her to the vet ASAP