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A: It's probably itching cuz you have hair growing there. But you should still let your doctor check it out during your next office visit. ANOTHER ANSWER: A few things to remember- your body is changing and growing. Make sure you wash down there EVERY day. If the itching is persistent and red and rash-like, you could have "jock itch". That's a fungs that grows in your crotch. If it's not too bad, get ahold of a can of "jock-itch " spray at your local drug store. CUREX is one kind and there are others. I know it's VERY embarrassing to bring it up to your parents or your doctor. Follow my suggestions, and if it gets worse, ask a parent to take to the doctor. Doctors have seen EVERYTHING, so don't be embarrassed. Tell your parents you are old enough to go into the doctors office on your own, you are old enough ! Hope this helps you out. Be Tough! <> Hi, I'd add just one thing... the "polite" (or correct anatomical) word for your ballsack is your scrotum and the balls inside it are correctly called your testes or testicles.

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Q: I'm 14 and my balls for a lack of a politer word have been itching slightly for 3 years now. Im embarressed to talk to my parents about it what should I do Should I worry about it Is it puberty?
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