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I would recommend the ti-83+ it has all the features you will need.

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Q: I am in Calculus. Which calculator should I get, and what features will I need?
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Can you use an abacus for calculus equation?

yes, but you probably won't need it or any calculator

Do you usually need to have a calculator for architecture courses?

Yes, you usually need a calculator for architecture courses because there is a lot of math involved. In order to calculate the right measurements you need to have a calculator. Calculus is a course requirement to attend an architecture course, therefore common knowledge of mathematics and a calculator are required.

What number should a child have to learn their multiplication facts up to?

A child should only have to learn their multiplication facts up to 12 since those should be quick reflexed. beyond that does not have to be learned since they would probably be old enough to use a calculator or long multiplication. If for algebra, you don't need to learn beyond 12 since you can use your calculator and its mostly about equations. Same applys for calculus and others.

Why you need calculus?

I need calculus because I am not in a job where they put pictures on the cash register.

What are 3 most important things about the calculator?

Features - The calculator should do everything you need it to do, but not much more. You probably don't need a TI-94Plus to balance your checkbook.Reliability - If a calculator doesn't work, it's worthless. Get something built well that will last a long time. Preferably something that runs on solar energy with a battery backup.Accuracy and precision - Once you know what you need it to do, make sure it does it well! If you need 6 decimal places of precision make sure you buy a calculator that can actually handle it (not just display it).

How to Determine Which Scientific Calculator You Need?

With school starting again soon, it will be just a matter of time before you will find you need a calculator. Hopefully your teacher will let you know whether or not you need a scientific calculator or not. There is nothing worse than getting the wrong type of calculator. If you do need a scientific calculator, let’s first go over what a scientific calculator is. A scientific calculator is defined as a calculator that beside normal math functions also has functions such as logarithms and powers. Scientific calculators in general are more expensive that normal calculators. If your calculator is to be used in school, it is usually the teacher that determines your need. Some colleges also let you know if you will have a need for a scientific calculator. Scientific calculators are also used in some businesses. Like most products today, there is a pretty wide range of scientific calculators. There are simple scientific calculators and more advanced scientific calculators, that can perform functions like graphing. In order to determine which scientific calculator you will need, it is important to: * Determine what you will need the scientific calculator to do * Compare scientific calculator features * Compare prices of scientific calculators * Use a demo online of a scientific calculator Once you have decided that you do indeed need a scientific calculator, you need to decide whether you need a simple scientific calculator or a more complex scientific calculator. Lucky for most of us, it will be a teacher or professor who will let us know which we need. The next step will be to compare prices. The internet is a great place to compare prices of scientific calculators. Usually, you can not only compare prices, but you can compare features side by side on some websites. You can also compare scientific calculators at office supply stores. Sales people at most of these stores are fairly knowledgeable about their products. After you have done your comparison shopping, you should feel confident in purchasing your scientific calculator. If your budget allows, you may want to purchase your calculator with a few extra features, in case you end up needing them in the future.

Is elementary calculus the same as calculus?

Pre-calculus refers to concepts that need to be learned before, or as a prerequisite to studying calculus, so no. First one studies pre-calculus then elementary calculus.

What kind of calculator do I need for my Calculus class?

You need the TI-Nspire CAS because it has multiple representations of a problem individually or together on a single screen and it can grab and move graphed functions in real time to observe relationships and patterns

Do you need precalculus to be successful in calculus?

yes. as the name implies, pre-calculus is essential in Calculus. Much of the trigonometry and the ideas will carry into the carious Calculus classes.

What is 5.21 plus 7.15?

5.21 + 7.15 = 12.36 And you should not need a calculator for that!

Which is harder differential calculus or integral calculus?

Im still taking Integral Calculus now, but for me, if you dont know Differential Calculus you will not know Integral Calculus, because Integral Calculus need Differential. So, as an answer to that question, ITS FAIR

Should I take pre calculus and calculus my senior year?

Discuss with your tutor(s). They will know whether you will able to do it or not. Also, you will may to consider what courses you will need for whatever you wish to do after your senior year.