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1) have more sex 2) there are test sticks that works just like the pregnancy tests but indicate ovulation instead. They can tell you when your best chances are.

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Q: I am trying to get pregnant but my menstrual cycle is not regular. Any other method to use apart from the 28 day calendar?
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Related questions

Is calendar method is now a artificial family method?

No, the calendar method is a NATURAL method.

How many months your menstrual cycle be observe in calculating calendar method?

You should observe your cycles for around six months before using the calendar method. It is important to recognize that the calendar method isn't very reliable, it is much better to use the symptothermal method to observe and track your cycles - especially if using these methods as birth control. You can read more about symptothermal methods via taking charge of your fertility.

What is a ovulation predictor?

One of the methods to predict ovulation is calendar method. You just check you menstrual cycle and calculate ovulation. e.g. If you have a 28-day cycle, ovulation starts around the 14th day of the menstrual cycle. I use this calendar and it helps me to know days of ovulation.

Is there is any chance of getting pregnant if you had a intercourse on 21 day of your menstrual cycle on regular cycle and you wake up suddenly so semen got drained and also you wiped out the most of?

Yes. Counting days is not a reliable method of contraception.

What are safe days in the menstrual period?

The menstrual period is the time in which you are menstruating, I think that you mean your menstrual cycle. Safe days are days you can have sex without getting pregnant, you can only know these days if you were using fertility awareness method as a form of birth control.

Is calendar method effective?

The calendar method is the least dependable method of contraception (aside from keeping your fingers crossed).

When to get pregnant using calendar method?

You need training from your doctor, and this method is best used by married couples whose religious beliefs don't allow birth control.

Calendar method procedure?

You first have to understand the menstrual cycle as it applies to your individual circumstances before you can use the "calendar method," and you have to have consistency in the occurrence of each menstrual flow, which is considered Day 1 of the usual 28-day cycle (Note: A woman's menstrual cycle can and occasionally does vary).Depending on whether or not you want to become pregnant, you also must know when ovulation occurs, typically around 14 days after the start of your period, and that both sperm and ova only have a limited lifetime after entering the female body and ovulation, respectively.The key to the "calendar method" is knowing how the menstrual cycle works and having consistency in its occurrence. Track your menstrual cycle for a period of several months..and avoid unprotected sex like the plague during this time!! The longer you track your cycle, the better understanding you will have of it in the long run..and the knowledge gained may turn out to be a life saver in the future in the event that a major problem (i.e., cancer) rears its ugly head.Hope this helps..

Is it possible to get pregnant if you weigh less than 100 pounds?

If you have had your first menstrual cycle then you can get pregnant. If you do not wish to get pregnant you should always use a condom and a reliable method of birth control. If you are wanting to conceive and have questions about your weight you should talk to your dr.

How many doys out of a month a woman can get pregnant?

Twenty-eight. You can get pregnant at any point in your menstrual cycle. Some days are just more likely than others. The medical term for people who practice the rhythm method is "parents."

How likely are you to get pregnant if you haven't been taking the pill at a regular time but you've only had sex once and used the withdrawal method?

It is highly unlikely you will get pregnant based on the above scenario.

What is the safest date for intercource?

Calendar-based methods are various methods of estimating a woman's likelihood of fertility, based on a record of the length of previous menstrual cycles. Various systems are known as the Knaus-Ogino Method, rhythm method, and Standard Days Method. These systems may be used to achieve pregnancy, by timing unprotected intercourse for days identified as fertile, or to avoid pregnancy, by restricting unprotected intercourse to days identified as infertile.