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The Video Games could be a factor for you having headaches. You will need to see your doctor to get a proper diagnosis.

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Q: I continue to keep having headaches I also play a lot of video games could it be like being addicted to caffeine Because after drinking a ton of coffee you become to and get a lot of headaches?
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Does drinking coffee cause headaches?

Caffeine can cause headaches when the effects of the drug wear off and you begin to "crash". Additionally, if you are a heavy coffee or soda drinking, quitting all caffeine intake has been known to cause some withdrawls including but not limited to headaches.

How does caffeine cause headaches?

Caffeine tricks your brain into thinking that you're not tired when in fact you are. Drinking too much caffeine isn't good for you for multiple reasons, and you should cut down on how much you drink if you are getting headaches from it.

How do you get rid of a a caffeine headache?

Caffeine headaches are the body's response to a sudden drop in caffeine levels, and just like any other addicting drug it will cause withdrawls when suddenly depleted. There's more than one way to solve this problem, but the two most obvious are as follows : 1. If you want to stop getting caffeine headaches, ever, put up with a caffeine headache for a little while and stop ingesting caffeine. You will have withdrawl symptoms but you won't have to worry about your addiction if you stop. Or 2. If you don't mind having a caffeine addiction, drink a cup of coffee and it'll go away. Don't like coffee? Drink some coke. Don't like coke? Drink a mountain dew. If you consume caffeine the withdrawl symptoms should go away.

How is dependence of caffeine treated?

The easiest way is to slowly reduce caffeine intake. You will feel a bit depressed and have a low energy level. That is normal when withdrawing from a stimulant. If you try to stop all at once, you may have other symptoms such as headaches. Caffeine taken in coffee seems to have no serious side effects. Unless you are drinking more than four or five regular cups a day, have gastric problems, or cannot function without it, you are not seriously addicted. Caffeine tablets are another matter. They are just as easily abused as any other drug.

Can soda make you feel less stressed?

No. If you are addicted to caffeine or any of the other ingredients in soda it will make you feel better by drinking it if you have not had it in a while, merely because you are in withdrawal.

What are the risks of caffeine?

Caffeine is alright in small amounts, but too much can be dangerous to your health. On a lower level, too much caffeine can cause insomnia (problems sleeping), jittery-ness, anxiety, and a "crash" of caffeine drop later in the day. On a more serious level, too mucb caffeine can cause heart problems, like murmurs or skipped / too many beats. In a pregnant woman, caffeine can cause organ problems, developmental disabilities, and severe heart risks for the child. (Some easy ways to cut out caffeine is to get de-caf coffee or sodas.)

Can drinking too much caffeine make you have a stomach ache?

yes, drinking too much of anything will give you stomach ache! #2: Yes, caffeine prevents stomach muscles from relaxing, the cause of stomach aches. To combat this, eating apples and bananas slowly will improve digestion and your stomach ache.

Why do i get so many headaches when im a kid?

You might look at your diet--if you are drinking lots of diet drinks, eating lunchmeat and other processed foods, you may have an allergy to synthetic foods. In addition, caffeine, chocolate, cheeses, and nuts can cause headaches.

Does reishi coffee contain caffeine?

Yes, reishi coffee still contains caffeine, although most varieties are low-acid and dark roasted which makes them have less caffeine than other varieties. In addition, the reishi mushroom is an andrenal supporter so it will counter the effects of caffeine on the system and help avoid jitters and headaches when drinking coffee.

Why does coffee cause migraine?

If a person is used to a certain amount of caffeine intake daily, and they suddenly switch to decaf coffee, their body may experience headaches as their body begins to adjust to a lowered intake of caffeine. These are called caffeine withdrawal headaches. These headaches have the dilated blood vessel component that occurs with migraines (because daily caffeine had been constricting your blood vessels and now it isn't), while also carrying with it the muscle pain component of tension headaches, causing pressure to be felt around the shoulders, neck, and scalp.

When you have a headache and drink coffee it stop?

Drinking coffee might stop your headache - it depends on why you got the headache. If you are addicted to caffeine/coffee, drinking coffee will stop the headache if it is caused by withdrawal. It won't help if your headache is due to dehydration, illness, stress, etc.

Does switching to decaffeinated coffee prevent 'withdrawal' headaches associated with giving up caffeinated coffee?

No, but by using decaf, you can slowly wean your way off caffeinated to avoid possible withdrawal headaches. If you drink 3 cups of coffee a day and stop drinking, you're going to be just as likely to encounter caffeine withdrawal as if you start drinking 3 cups of decaf. No caffeine is no caffeine. But if you slowly switch from caffeinated to decaf, by making your coffee more and more decaffeinated by mixing in more of the decaffeinated powder over time, you might be more successful since the transition will be gradual.