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I assume the student had no one close enough to ask, so consider it an honor you were chosen, take the candidate out to dinner, talk briefly about faith, be nice, and move on. There is no need for folow up, just your willingness to be sponsor. . a gift iof an age appropriate religious book or article would be nice.

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Q: I do not feel close to the child that has chosen me for her confirmation sponsor. What should I do?
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Why should you sponsor a child today?

To help those in need.

Can you be a godmother twice to the same child?

If you mean godmother as "sponsor" at Baptism and Confirmation then yes If you mean godmother at Baptism then no, since you are only baptized once and can only be godmother once to the same child.

Where would one go to sponsor a christian child?

One place to sponsor a child is ChildFund International. it is only twenty eight dollars a month to sponsor a child and you can correspond with the child you sponsor.

Can a non-Catholic sponsor an child?

To sponsor a child for baptism, at least one of the sponsors needs to be Catholic. The other if non-catholic can be Christian witness (if Christian) but is not entered as a sponsor. To sponsor a child for Confirmation, theer is only one sponsor who must be Catholic and confirmed.

How can one sponsor a child through Children International?

One can sponsor a child through Children International by making a donation on their website. For only a small fee per month, one is able to sponsor a child.

What does the sponsor have to do during confirmation?

To be a witness to the faith, and pass on that witness in guidance to the candidate. Qualifications: Catholic, Baptized, received Eucharist,Confirmed,and age 16 or older and not a parent of one to be confirmed.

How may you sponsor a child in the Himilayas?

To sponsor a child in the Himalayas, find a telephone number or a direct line that will connect you with someone who can have a plan ready for you to start helping your child out.

What percentage of people in USA sponsor a child?

It is very difficult to know the exact percent that sponsor a child because of all of the different agencies you could go through to sponsor a child. Although we do know that the percent is somewhere below 50%.

Who can sponsor a child for communion?

In the christian Community, for a child to be sponsored for communion. He most be at the right age and most be baptized. A parent or the caretaker of the child can sponsor such child for communion.

What is required for a confirmation?

Confirmation age is normally around the child's Sophomore year of school. You need a Catholic sponsor, do a certain amount of community service, attend church, attend the confirmation classes, and a few other requirements. If you wish to have a saint name, you must right a letter to your bishop with the name, the reason why you would like to change your name, and why you picked the saint you did.

Can a stepfather be a sponsor for a son to get a green card?

If he married the mother of a the child and he's under age he will sponsor the child too. If not he can legally try to adopt the child good luck

What is a Christians definition of Confirmation?

Confirmation is the "confirming" of one's baptismal vows, spoken on behalf of the child in its infancy. In confirmation, the child is now old enough to affirm these vows for him/herself.