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There could be many reasons why you are light headed, sweating, and having palpitations. A doctor is the only person who can diagnose you.

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Q: I feel light headed and heart palpations and sweat along what could be wrong?
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The circulatory system is like a circle, so there is no real beginning or end. So when you describe it, you could start where ever you want. People often start in the heart, but you could start anywhere along the path. Here is a very simplified path through the circulatory system: Right heart to lungs to left heart to arteries to capillaries to veins and back to right heart.

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Hypertension symptoms include, but are not limited to, dizziness, nausea, low blood pressure, headache, fatigue, and heart pulses. If you think you may be hypertension you should visit your doctor.

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How Could an Angel Break My Heart was created in 1996.

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