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Great Question! Are you a believer or are you considering becoming a Christian? If you have come to the place where you feel that you are lost forever because of sin and that your only hope is in Christ's payment for your sin, then I can guarantee you that God is talking to you. However, if you are feeling like you must give everything you own in order to be saved than you can know for sure that it's not God you are hearing from. Salvation is about God reaching out to you, not the other way around. Salvation is the free gift of God through Christ. In order to be saved you must believe in the blood of Christ as your one hope of salvation from sin, and you must recognize that Jesus is Lord, your Lord, and you now belong to Him. That's it. Once saved you will spend the rest of your life growing closer to the one who loved you and died to pay for your sin and spend eternity with you. If you are already a believer and your possessions are more important to you than God, then it may well be the Lord who is talking to you. However, I doubt God wants you to sell everything you have. What He wants is your heart. He wants you to love Him more than anything else. As a believer, if you have anything in your heart that you place before God then He will deal with you on that issue. He wants you to be willing to place Him and what He wants from you before everything else. If you are unwilling to place God before the things you own then you need to get on your knees and ask God to make you willing. It is God who works in you to will and to do according to His good pleasure. On our own we are not able to do all that God asks, but he is able to change us if we are willing. Always remember that God knows what is best for you, and if He wants something from you then you can be sure that your life will be infinitely better by giving Him what He wants. He wants to give you His joy and sometimes there are things in our lives that are blocking what God has for us.

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Q: I feel like i have to give up these You know how Jesus told that guy he had to sell everything his got to be with him That's kinda the problem How do you know for sure that God is convicting me?
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