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sorry does mean you are pregnant go to a doctors ... do u wnt abortion or keep ??

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Q: I finished my pills last month my periods were due on 9th of this month im having spotting for 4 days. does that mean i am pregnant?
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Could I be pregnant I have been having my periods but on this last one i have light pink blood when i wip and spotting what does this mean?

Yes, you might be pregnant - take a test

You have the implanon birth control which 99 effective but your period is 2 weeks late and ive been having some brownish red spotting on and off could you still be pregnant I've had spotting before wh?

Spotting and irregular periods are side effects of the implant. If you still think you're pregnant, take a pregnancy test.

What if your having all the symptoms of pregnancy and have a today period with spotting could you be pregnant?

hope your not scared, but yes you could be pregnant, if you have had normal periods and now, your period was only 2 shuld get a test asap

Could you be pregnant if your breast feel heavy and you are having brown spotting but your irregular with your periods?

Theirs a chance you might be but its alwa ys better to get tested or check to be sure because those are some symptoms of being pregnant.

Does spotting happen to every pregnant woman?

I don't think so. I did not experience having a spotting in my two pregnancy period. If that happens to a pregnant woman she better consult her doctor.

What is the limiting age for being pregnant?

As long as you're having periods you can get pregnant.

I was supposed to get my period but instead all I had was spotting dark brown and dark red blood its totally different from my usual periods I didn't even have cramps Did any preg women have this hapn?

You can still have spotting when you are pregnant. This is a normal symptom. I would talk to your doctor about any changes you are having.

If so far your having a normal period and you know your not spotting could you be pregnant?

The answer is yes!

Can you get pregnant when you aren't having a period haven't had one since March 2007 over a year ago but want to start trying?

If aren't having any periods you probably can't get pregnant. If you're having irregular periods you can get pregnant, but the chance is lower.

Spotting and lightheaded?

If you are spotting and lightheaded, it is a good idea to see a doctor. You might be having a miscarriage if you are pregnant or you could have some type of uterine tumor.

What could cause three periods in one month?

Is it full on 5 day periods, or spotting? Spotting indicates possible stress, strong emotion, or just some extra blood after the period. I'm no doctor, but I don't think it's normal to be having three periods a month.

To be pregnant and have a period one month but miss the next month?

Its not possible you dont have your period at all if you pregnant and you wont have a normal period if you are its possible that it wont even come on which is a missed period. Most women do mistake periods for implantation bleeding (spotting),which is not a period just because they see a red spot or they bleeding on and off their pregnant while their on there period, no it doesnt work that way if you having periods while your pregnant please get checked.