

Best Answer

Check with Sears parts and Repair in your local area. If they dont have it thet can order it for you. Just check for your model number at the bottom of your pressure cooker..

Check with Sears parts and Repair in your local area. If they dont have it they can order it for you. Just check for your model number at the bottom of your pressure cooker..

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Q: I forgot to put water in pressure cooker while cooking , do u have the part that i need to replace It is some kind of nut n bolt near to the wishtle?
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How much do cooking times change when using a pressure cooker instead of a normal pot?

Between cooking with a normal pot and a pressure cooker the difference in terms of time is not much. The pressure cooker can be used depending on the type of food that is cooked.

Why a pressure cooker is used for cooking food?

A pressure cooker will cook food faster and also tenderize tougher meats.

Why are pressure cooker used in cookery?

cooking food faster than conventional cooking

Why is the pressure cooker a useful utensil?

The time for cooking is lower.

How food is cooked easily in pressure cooker?

During heating the pressure increase in the pressure cooker; as a consequence the temperature increase, the cooking is faster, part of energy saved, etc.

Where online can I read more about cooker pressure and find recipies for my presser cooker?

The website has some great recipes available. They are easy to make and very simple when using the pressure cooker.

How is solar cooker different from a normal pressure cooker?

A solar cooker and a pressure cooker are two completely different ways of cooking. A pressure cooker can still use a heat source like a gas or electric cook top. A solar cooker is as the mercy of the heat of the sun and the contents will only cook as well as the amount of heat it obtains.

How do I know when I've reached the right cooker pressure?

You can know when you have reached the right cooker pressure by checking the temperature gauge. The right temperature would also depend on what you are cooking.

Why the boiling point of water in pressure cooker high?

A pressure cooker minimizes the escape of fluids or air. The build-up of air and fluid increases the pressure inside the cooker, which also increases the boiling point. An open kettle allows the fluid and air to escape, heat is lost thus cooking time is longer.

How is a pressure cooker use in saving energy for cooking and tenderizing meat faster?

pressure cookers cook faster. Instead of cooking something for 3-4 hours you can cut that down to maybe 1 hour. It tenderizes meat by forcing the steam into the food and breaking up some of the molecules

Why should you cover frypan while cooking or use pressure cooker will it save cooking gas?

It will shorten cooking time, which in turn, can result in a modest saving of cooking gas; yes.