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you threw it out! look at the instructons (no offense but) RETARD!

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Q: I got a V5 tamagotchi but i didnt kniw about the password that it was supposed to go with so i think i threw it awaydo you have to know the password to be friends with another V5 tama?
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Can you become friends with a different tamagotchi version?

Sorry, no. A tamagotchi can only connect with another of its own version. -keen1girl

On my tamagotchi V5 my tamas are adults and i want to marry my friend that's an adult but it doesn't let me?

Your Tamagotchi and your friends tamagotchi have to be best friends before they'll marry. Have them play games together to develop a friendship.

Can you play on anyones membership account?

If you have membership you can play on it.Also if someone else has given you a password or you have hacked a password, you can get on it and play on their account.I would advise you don't hack or take a friends password, but if they have said it was ok i supposed you can.

Can your tamagotchi get married if it has no friends?

yes, but it will take longer

Why wont me and my friends tamagotchi v5 marry even though they're best friends?

there not old enough

How do you find your Words With Friends password?

How do you get a child on a Tamagotchi V6 when you're a senior?

The only way, is to mate with another senior above the age of 10. Make friends and wait till the matchmaker comes with that friend.

How do you enter friends into your tamagotchi v5?

connect v5 with v5, or v5 with v6. then go to your list/ book, and you'll see your friends.

Why do girls worry about their friends?

That is what friends are supposed to do

What does the book icon in tamagotchi version 5 do?

It shows past family or friends. Lets say a "tama" goes to its home planet, or goes up a generation, then it shows past Tamagotchi characters and friends is to look at every one you have ot had connected with

Tamagotchi music city band help?

first. you will log in to your tamagotchi version 6 toy..and then second. click profile,click the band info and you will have your friends to join to your band. and you will have a band....

How can you have a friend on your v5?

you have to have a friend with a tamagotchi, connect with that person, once they are together long enough they will become friends, and if the tamagotchi yu connect with is a different gender you can also get married and have a child if you are with the person for a long time.