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Exact same thing just happened to me, hence the research.

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Q: I had a blister-like thing on my foot only it's not a blister and when I pulled it out a gelatin-like solid came out what is it?
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What gas makes Pluto?

it's not made out of gas its a solid planet.It's a planet that was pulled out of another planet.

Can you pass a cop car with a pulled over car on a solid line?

Depends on the state but for the State of New Jersey its a new law.

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First of all, the atmosphere is the air. Secondly, air is matter, all matter is affected by gravity. Imagine this: the sea is liquid, it lies on the earth, pulled by gravity. the atmosphere is also like this except it is a "sea" of air, it lies on the earth, pulled by gravity.

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Anything - whether it be gas, liquid, solid, light, etc. - can be pulled into a black hole if it gets too close.

What other ways can you get to Nome except by plane?

Overland by dog sled or animal pulled wagon. By water when sea ice is not solid. Or, by air.

Can you eat 2 days after your wisdom teeth pulled?

im pretty sure that you can, just dont eat solid foods. i had one of mine extracted and the dentist told me not to eat solid foods for 2 days. it helps your gum heal faster or something.

What is a net in geometry?

If you had a 3D shape made out of paper, that was all folded and taped together, and you pulled the tape off and layed the figure out flat, then you would get the net of the three dimensional solid.

Is planet Saturn solid?

Saturn is one of the gas giants and is not solid. There is a small solid core in the center of Saturn made up ofrocky material that got pulled in while the planet was forming, as well as other materials that have fallen in since. You could never travel to this core; the pressure from the gas above is immense and nothing we can build today could withstand it.

Which characteristics describe most nonmetals in the solid phase?

Solid metals are often shiny, ductile(can be pulled into wires), malleable(can be hammered into thin sheets), and good condutors of heat and electricity. Hope this helped!

Is ductility chemical property?

No, it's a physical property. Ductility is a substance's ability to be pulled into different shapes, like a metal pulled into a wire. Changing the shape of a substance does not change its chemical composition, which is why it's a physical property and not a chemical property.

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The gravity on Mars is a fraction of Jupiter's gravity. You would not be pulled downward as quickly. It is worth noting that Jupiter does not have a solid surface, which would make it impossible to jump.

What is the physical property of a metal?

Physical properties are that they are hard, dense, shiny, malleable (can be bent), ductile (can be pulled into wires), a good conductor of heat and have high melting points meaning that they are solid at room temperature