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The most important thing is to understand that dreams occur within your mind. The demons in the dream are symbols of evil. They do not exist other than within your dream. Scratches can easily occur during sleep from a torn fingernail, a piece of jewelry and many other possibilities. It is only by giving credence to the idea that dream demons can cause physical harm that they have any power or existence at all.

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1mo ago

Dreams involving demons can often represent internal conflicts or fears that you may be struggling with. The scratches could be a result of your body reacting physically to the stress or fear experienced during the dream, known as "sleep scratching." It's important to reflect on any stressors or fears in your waking life that may be causing these dreams and to seek support if needed to address them.

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Q: I had a weird dream about me and demons and i woke up with scratches on my body?
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What do three scratches on the body in a dream mean?

Normally, three scratches on the body is the mark of a demon. But I could be wrong... Some writers claim that three scratches on the body or any other thing means, "to destroy" In "witchcraft" (not Wicca) it supposedly is used to place destruction on ones life. The legion of demons that are responsible for this mark has a name, and it is :"Destruction". There is a cure to end this torment. Go to the "Mysterious Scratches" link attached below. Three scratches on the body in a dream probably reflect an actual irritation that the dreamer experiences while sleeping, such as a bit of grit in the sheets or blanket or from a pet or other sharp object in the bed. If the irritation or pain is not intense enough to awaken the dreamer, the mind will form a dream to "explain" the irritation. > Superstitions and sensational materials about witchcraft exploit the tendency of credulous people to blame supernatural forces, especially demons, for any unusual phenomenon. Such materials, including the webpage linked to this question, quickly dismiss rational explanations in favor of unsupported stories about spiritual dangers and evil forces of darkness. These articles can be amusing, and have some value as providing insight into how hysteria can be provoked in the absence of actual knowledge.

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