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**Post edited as inappropriate answer given #2 ANW: A very good sign that you need to get in to see your doctor and get checked out.

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Q: I had brown spotting when I wiped I've been tired nausea bloating gas burping headache and cramping with creamy white discharge What could this be if my period is 10 days away?
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Are you pregnant if experiencing pregnancy symptoms like headache heartburn tingling of the breasts fluttering in the abdomen bloating belching dizziness tiredness back pain discharge spotting emotion?

probs yes

Is pink discharge and cramping a sign of pregnancy?

Sometimes spotting (pink discharge) and mild cramping are signs of implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterus. However, you may be ovulating and experiencing mittelschmerz (middle of the month pain or ovulation pain). Spotting can sometimes occur with ovulation. If you continue to experience spotting and pain, see your physician.

Started NuvaRing day period started took it out right on time got period 5th day only lasted for a few hours then stopped and hasn't started again Still have cramping pains and bloating. Reason?

Any amount of bleeding or spotting counts as a withdrawal bleed when you're on hormonal contraception. Cramping and bloating may still occur, but bleeding will be lighter. Cramping and bloating should also decrease over the first three months of NuvaRing use. Cramping and bloating could also be signs of infection, so talk with your health care provider about whether an exam is needed in your case.

Is slight cramping normal in the first trimester?

Yes cramping is normal during the first trimester. Its due to the baby growing and stretching you internally which is why you have cramps. Any bloody discharge, or spotting or sharp cramps should be reported to your doctor.

Can you be pregnant if youre spotting and cramping?


You were only spotting for not even a full day and having some bad cramping?

You were only spotting for not even a full day and having some bad cramping?

Does light pink discharge in early pregnancy mean miscarriage?

Hello. No this doesn't mean its a miscarriage hun. Miscarriage bleeding is usually heavy, red and very painful cramping. Its most likely early pregnancy spotting or spotting due to a UTI.

What are the risks of hysterosonography?

The chief risks are mild spotting and cramping after the procedure.

What are the side effects of stopping the birth control pill?

It depends on how long you were on them but common side effects include: early/irregular bleeding spotting or heavy, tender breasts, weight gain or loss, nausea, headache/migraine, acne, abdominal cramping mild or sharp, back pain, increased libado, bloating, tiredness, increased of smell and taste, dizzy spells, erratic emotions and frequent trips to the toilet.

You are 9 weeks pregnant and started Cramping and spotting should you go to the er?

It all depends on your color of blood and level of pain in cramping. If your spotting is pink or brown-ish... they say it is not as big of a problem as dark red and/or heavy bleeding. I read that the embryo implants deeper during the 9th week and sometimes causes spotting and cramping. But either way, go with your intuition... ER or not!

Can you have cramps and bleeding during implantation?

Hi, Yes you can. Implantation cramping is very common and usually feels like period cramping. Implantation bleeding (IB) occurs 8-12 days after unprotected sex and not every woman experiences IB. Signs of IB are: * Light bleeding that lasts a few hours to 2-3 days. * Pinkish/brownish or reddish vaginal discharge. * Spotting of blood. * Spotting of blood that does not require a pad or tampon. * Spotting that is pinkish in colour. * Spotting that is brown in colour. * Light bleeding that is either pink or brown in colour and sometimes red.

Is the brown discharge mean that your next period is coming?

Brown discharge is spotting, light bleeding taking time to leave your body and mixing with discharge. Spotting can occur as your period starts, or it can be a result of many other things such as mid-cycle spotting around ovulation due to irregular hormones.