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Although you had your tubes done there have been instances people have become pregnant . It is a good idea for you to visit you doctor to be sure as well as to make sure there isn't anything else going on with you that may need to be addressed.

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Q: I had my tubes tied 3 yrs ago i am not due yet but iam experiencing swelling fatigue major moodiness cravings headaches breast tenderness nausea could i b if i am would it show up 11 days before my p?
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What are the symptoms of being pregnant before your missed period?

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No this is not normal. Your body should function reletively normal. IF you haven't heard of it being a common side effect of pregnancy.... example: headaches, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, breast tenderness, hunger cravings, constipation, hemroids.... then it's probably something you need to see your doctor about. If you have diarrhea for any extended period of time it can put you at risk for dehydration and preterm labor.

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Are urinating frequently and feeling tired as well as wanting to eat and feeling dehydrated considered pregnancy symptoms?

Frequent urination, food cravings, breast tenderness, bloating, headaches, fatigue, moodiness, backaches, nausea, and most commonly missed periods are major signs of pregnancy. Many of these signs are comparable to P.M.S. so please be sure to take a pregnancy test to confirm that you are pregnant. If you would rather your doctor draw blood to confirm your pregnancy, this may be more accurate.