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Sounds good, okay, if you get a MALE betta, (bigger with longer fins) then you can only have one, one betta that is, the ONLY other kinds of fish that can live with a MALE betta are neon tetras and other very small peaceful fish, no barbs or danios eather, they are fin bitters are there.. twitchey swimming annoys the peaceful better, al so called the Siamese fighting fish, because the males will kill nearly anything in there path, even a female if it is not mating time, but the female bettas, are a little smaller with much sorter fins, are very good little fish, i have 5 in a 40 gallon tank with rainbow sharks, neon tetras, gouramis, 1 gold fish, and alot more. but in a 10 gallon tank, you could have ether

1 male, and up to 5 neon tetras.


up to 4 FEMALES, and up to 3 neon tetras,

never get less than 3 neons though, they are schooling fish, its quite adorable :D also, there is another kind of fish, called a cardinal tetra, they are just a bigger version of a neon tetra, they are okay too, just take the larger size into account, and use common sense, good luck =D

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Q: I have a 10 and a half gallon tank with a heater pump and filter and i want to get a betta fish what other tropical fish can live with a betta and how many fish can i have in my tank altogether?
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guppys are tropical fish. they require a heater, and 1 gallon is to small for a heater

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Yes, since Guppies and Neon Tetras are small fish (and stay small), there should be no problem with them living comfortably in a 2 gallon tank. You should add a little filter and air bubble combo to keep the water clean and aerated. Since these are tropical fish, you should also add a small heater and a thermometer. Goldfish do not need a heater but tropical fish do.

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the fish needs a filter if tropical then a heater plants best not plastic oh and a friend to play with

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Yes as long as your tank is big enough for them and you have a filter and heater in it. Neons are schooling fish so you need at least three of them for them to be healthy. I believe that neons get to be two inches and the rule of thumb is one gallon for every inch of fish for tropical fish. Which means you would need at least a six gallon tank in order to have neons but a ten gallon tank is ideal.

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Yes. A goldfish can live without a filter. They may not live as long, but they do not have to have a filter, or a heater. I had goldfish in a five gallon tank without a filter for a long time. Hope that this helps.

What size tank sould a needle fish have?

The calculation is 1 inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water. Also necessary are a cycled filter running permanently and a 50% water change every week. The fish is tropical so it will also need a heater/thermostat and a thermometer.

Can tropical fish live with a heater?

I think you mean without a heater but if you dont the temp for the average tropical fish is 19 degrees celsius to 30 degrees celsius. coldwater fish will survive with a heater if its at a low temp and so can tropical with a heater at a low temp.

Can you put 1 Betta fish with 1 guppy in a 1 gallon tank?

yes but it would need a heater as they are both tropical fish and you would need to change the water alot.

How many fish can fit in a one an a-Half tank?

The only thing that you can put in a tank that small is a betta fish or african dwarf frog. Tropical fish do better in a tank that is ten gallons or more. If the tank has a filter and heater you could put one guppy into it but that would be all and I doubt it has a filter and a heater.

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Depends on the BTUs of the heater.

How long should you leave filtered water out for your beta bowl?

get a bottle of seachem prime,a 5 gallon tank with heater and filter,and an API freshwater master test kit

Where is the heater filter in the 1989 ford lariat?

It does not have a cabin filter.