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Hmmmmmnn, well it could br that yer tattoo is magical, but I wouldn't bet on it...Not being able to see what it's got going on but if it looks like a stain beneath the probably is!!

First off let's talk about how a tattoo works....The ink is inserted just under the skin clinging to the needles..As the needles come out of the kin some of the ink is trapped beneath the skin...As of course all of you second year med students know there are three layers of skin...!. The epidermis, the top layer, 2. the dermis, second layer and of course no. 3, the subcutaneous layer, or fatty layer assome refer to it...

The real secret to doing great tattoo work is getting the ink below the first to layers with out flooding the third..Some newbies, untrained wannabes and kitchen magicians may tend to overwork the tattooed area, DRIVING it in deep,to make it look coool like he saw in the magazine!!!! Only he missed out on the part of the book, How to tattoo in 3 easy lessons, where it warned him not to overwork the area as to much flooding of the skin on the fatty layer may cause ink to spread leaving a bruised looking stain that does not show up immeadiatly but when it does show it doesnt go away...

Does this sound like a description of your tattoo???? I can see yer head going up and down....And what do you do about it?????

Drum roll please.............................................................................................................................Go see a real tattooist with the proper training!!!!{plugola!!}

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Q: I have a Dark hue around your tattoo what is it?
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Colors, also called hues, are generally described by two factors: value and intensity (or saturation). Value is how light or dark a hue is. Intensity is how bright or muted a hue is. Describing a color as "soft" is somewhat subjective. A "soft green" usually refers to a more muted hue. But for some a lighter value of the hue may seem "soft". Dark green would refer to adding black or another color that contains black to the original hue. A muted green could be dark or light.

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Probly Sheep

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The light value of a hue is called a tint. It refers to the process of lightening a color by adding white to it.

Can tattoo artists cover up any tattoo?

it depends on the artist,and how dark the tattoo that you want to cover is

What is the title of a wool prouducer of dark hue who bleats?

Baa Baa Black Sheep

How would you describe a dark complexion?

A dark complexion is one that can be described as having a dark colored hue to it. People that have dark complexions include blacks, Hispanics, Italians, and Mediterranean people.

How much is a glow in the dark tattoo?

yes i have a five point red and black nautical glow in the dark tattoo. it cost me two hundred and thirty seven dollars for it.

Can green tattoo ink go on top of yellow tattoo ink?

Yes, you can blend dark tattoo ink over light tattoo ink, but never the other way around. This is why when you do a color tattoo, a portrait for example, that will always start with your light pigments, work into your intermediate shades, then to your darkest shades, and you will then add highlighting to the piece where needed to make it pop.

What are three attributes of color?

Hue, saturation, and brightness are three attributes of color. Hue refers to the color itself (e.g., red, green, blue), saturation specifies the intensity or purity of the color, and brightness determines how light or dark the color appears.

What is the brightness or dullness of a hue?

Brightness refers to how light or dark a hue appears, with lighter tones being brighter and darker tones being duller. Brightness can be adjusted by adding white or black to a hue to create tints or shades, respectively.

Why is dark not considered as color?

Dark colors are just called hue! or they are just shade. that's all i know for now. I'm still researching!