

I have an ill goldfish with white spots what do I do?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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take it out

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Q: I have an ill goldfish with white spots what do I do?
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Related questions

What is a goldfish that is white all over and barely gold spots?

Not a goldfish anymore.

What is the white fluff on your goldfish?

That is actually Excriment. It is him using the toilet.

What are goldfish diseases?

There are diseases such as ich (white spots) which can be treated with salt. They can get to your pet goldfish easily and expert websites will have answers.

My goldfish has spot help?

A male goldfish developes white spots when he is about to fertilize the females eggs. It could be possible that you have a male and a female! Congrats!!!

What is a seaking Pokemon look like?

a goldfish with black spots, a horn, and and a black and white giant tail

Goldfish laying down at bottom of tank and has white tiny spots?

He jizzed on himself.

When fish get pregnant does a black spots?

Goldfish do not get pregnant. They are egg layers. Black spots on goldfish have nothing to do with their breeding condition.

How can you tell what sex your tropical goldfish is?

To the best of my knowledge there is no such thing as a 'Tropical Goldfish' Goldfish (Carassius auratus) are coldwater fish. They can only be sexed when in breeding condition when only the males develop white spots on their gill plates.

What has 21 spots but is never ill?

A dice has 21 spots (pips) but is never ill.

How do you treet fish with white spots on it?

If the fish is a Goldfish you check to see if the spots are only on the fishes gills and pectoral fins. If so the white spots are indicating that the fish is in breeding condition. If the white spots are visible on other parts of the fish then your fish probably has Ich/Ick/ Whitespot and you will have to use a commercially available cure normally available at the pet shop.

Why is your goldfish getting lighter?

Goldfish don't always stay the same color. As a goldfish ages, it can turn a variety of colors, like orange or yellow or white, including patches or spots of color as well.Common household goldfish tend to change colors throughout their lives. White, orange, and yellow color changes, in whole or in part, are very common.

How can you the sex of a goldfish?

You can only sex goldfish when they come into breeding condition. At that stage, the male fish develop white spots on their gill plates and the females tend to put on a bit of weight in their abdominal area.