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Worst case scenario is crohns, a inflammatory bowel disease or its cousin IBS and you have to start taking expensive medication to suppress it and I know how you feel I have the disease but the medication relieves all pain and exhaustion.

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Q: I have been feeling tired have stomach cramps spots headache?
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What causes large dark spots on stomach?

Large dark spots on the stomach can be caused by various factors such as hormonal changes, skin conditions like melasma or hyperpigmentation, certain medications, obesity, or excessive sun exposure. It's best to consult a dermatologist for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Can an STD cause dark spots around your stomach?

sometimes you have small spots on your stomach and its nothing but your skin being ashy. just apply lotion to your skin 3 times a day

What are non-itchy and long lasting red raised spots mostly on your stomach back and chest?

What is four red spots on stomach different sizes, that don't itch?

The left side of your stomach is numb and has brown spots?

If the left side of your stomach is numb and you have brown spots, you should see a doctor. This could be as simple as bruising or as serious as a problem with your liver.

You often get blurred vision with spots and aura and almost 5 minutes after you have a severe headache that puts you in bed for at least 5 hours And you are left with a bruised feeling on your head?

You are describing a migraine. However, it is best to visit a physician for a professional opinion and medication if needed.

What is the 8 mark spots of Pulse?

Stomach Neck Finger Arms

What auses pain in middle of chest and right arm is tingling and hurts- saw spots headache also?


What causes red blotchy spots on your stomach if you're not pregnant?

Red, blotchy spots on your stomach definitely isn't pregnancy related. It may be a allergic reaction to perfume, soap products, clothes fibres. Anything.

What are Taylor Lautners tickle spots?

Around his nipple area,feet,stomach, and his sides. :) :) :)

What causes a burning?

Your stomach liner is week in some spots so the acid will burn

What features do lions have when they are born?

Lion cubs have spots on a grayish coat until the age of three months, spots may remain on stomach especially in East Africa.