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A negative pregnancy test, followed by a repeat test in a week, means you're not pregnant. Many women who are stopping depo attribute all kinds of symptoms to pregnancy. These symptoms may be due to your cycle restarting, or may be unrelated to your reproductive system. If you're trying to get pregnant, see your health care provider, start prenatal vitamins, and stay healthy. If you're trying to avoid pregnancy, find another method of birth control.

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Q: I have been spotting for months since I stopped my depo and now I am feeling weird and the pregnancy tests come back negative I feel pregnant what do you think?
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Possibly. Everyone's different. It could be a coincidence. You should take a home pregnancy test.

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then you are not pregnant you hear me if you are you are just a sick little girl or meget gal

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Most likely the indication would be that you are not pregnant. However, if you are still feeling worried about this, you should go see a physician and have an actual blood pregnancy test administered.

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Yes. Home pregnancy tests are not always accurate. Take multiple tests, or see a doctor. If you are far enough along in the pregnancy to be feeling movement from the fetus, then your belly should have started protruding.

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If you had sex, you could be pregnant but these symptoms are also found just prior to starting one's period. Take a pregnancy test (HPT) to be sure.