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Yes. Sometimes these disorders can overlap, sometimes they can cause the other ones, and sometimes you are just cursed with them all. For instance, I supposedly have generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and treatment resistant depression. I genuinely feel that my anxiety issues lead to panic as well as depression. Ideally, if I could cure the anxiety disorder, my other disorders would improve or clear up completely. Your disorders don't seem quite as easily connected as mine, but lessening one will probably help the others.

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Q: I have been told I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder Attention Deficit Disorder OCD and Narcissistic Personality Disorder Is it possible to have three or more mental disorders?
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What movies or films will be of good use for studying personality disorders?

Some good movies and films for studying personality disorders are "Gone With the Wind" (narcissistic personality disorder), "Funny Girl" (narcissistic personality disorder), "Girl, Interrupted" (borderline personality disorder), "The Godfather" (antisocial personality disorder), and "Wall Street" (antisocial personality disorder).

What other personality disorders have some characteristics of sociopathy?

Each personality disorder is classified into one of three "clusters": clusters A, B, or C. Cluster A is called the "eccentric" cluster, and it includes schizotypal, paranoid, and schizoid personality disorders. Cluster B is called the "dramatic" or "erratic" cluster, and it includes ASPD (another name for sociopathy), borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic personality disorder. Cluster C is called the "anxious" or "dependent" cluster, and it includes avoidant, dependent, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorders. Cluster B is the one that shares the most characteristics with sociopathy. Borderline personality disorder is a disorder that is characterized by emotional instability. People with borderline generally are described as "childish", and they often feel as if they are victimized. Their emotional swings often resemble those of sociopathy. Histrionic personality disorder is characterized by attention seeking, including excess seduction, being the "life of the party" even if there isn't a party, and have quick mood swings (which is something that all of Cluster B has in common). This disorder is similar to sociopathy because of the need for all of the attention to be on them. Finally, we come to narcissistic personality disorder. Those with narcissistic personality disorder think of themselves as the greatest thing alive. They are bad at taking criticism in any way. They require constant attention, and they may lie to achieve their own goals. The main reason that those with narcissistic personality disorder resemble sociopaths, though, is because they feel little to no empathy. To sum that long answer up, borderline personality disorder resembles sociopathy because of its mood swings, histrionic personality disorder resembles sociopathy because of the attention-seeking, and narcissistic personality disorder resembles sociopathy because of the near or full lack of empathy.

Can a narcissistic cause addiction to their kids?

A narcissist doesn't necessarily have an addictive personality, so medically speaking these two disorders are not directly linked. However if a parent never pays attention to his or her child, the child may turn to addictive substances for comfort.

What other emotional disorders exhibit some sociopathic characteristics?

Psychopathy, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Asocial Personality Disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder are probably the closest. Some sources do not differentiate among some of these and sociopathy.

Do people with borderline personality disorders need attention?

Everybody needs a little attention every once in a while... No one Has the answers .

What is the name of the syndrome for people who think they are very clever when in fact they are stupid?

There are a number of mental disorders that can fall in the category.Autistic Spectrum Disease, Asperger's Syndrome, and SavantsThey can be very smart, but in a limited field, and have difficulties with more general criteria.There are several personality disorders that might be related.Cluster A -- People who appear "odd or eccentric." Paranoid Personality DisorderSchizoid Personality DisorderSchizotypal Personality DisorderCluster B -- Highly egocentric people who may appear "dramatic, emotional, erratic."Antisocial Personality DisorderBorderline Personality DisorderHistrionic Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality DisorderPerhaps of the above list, Narcissistic Personality Disorder fits best into the category of people with hyperinflated egos, however, most of the personality disorders involve the individual putting themselves and their needs separate from society's needs.

What causes narcissistic personality disorter?

This and other personality disorders are now thought to be a product of attachment issues as children. Typically, what happens with personality disorders is that there is a "cluster" of symptoms or characteristics of more than one, but one with more matching criteria. As a general rule, what they all have in common are very fragile egos due to not attaching in a healthy way to an adult. Narcissistic personality disorder compensates by inflating their ego and having little regard for others. Ironically, these egos are also very easily shattered. Tara Kenyon, MSW, LCSW

What would be concomitant disorders of antisocial personality disorder?

I think a concommitant disorder with an antisocial disorder would be generalized anxiety, paranoia, addiction and dissociative identity disorder (DID).

Is narcissisim curable?

AnswerEveryone has narcissistic traits, and this is not always a bad thing. However, a small proportion of the population suffer from disorders such as NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder). This is, as the name suggests, when the narcissistic trait is inflated and takes up a large amount of a person's personality. NPD, through therapy, can be cured, although it may be difficult: narcissists are generally people unlikely to accept that there is anything wrong with them - I know from experience.

Name some disorders with lack of empathy?

The classic disorder is antisocial disorder. They have no value system so do not "feel" empathy. Narcissistic personality disorder also has no empathy for others.

What are two main types of mental and emotional disorders?

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a pattern of constant worry and anxietyover many different activities and events.Personality disorders are a class of personality types and enduring behaviors associated with significant distress or disability.

Can someone with histrionic have a successful career?

Recent research done at the University of Surrey in 2005 suggests that people with Histrionic Personality Disorder can be quite successful as executives. Psychologists interviewed and tested a large pool of high-salaried executives in England and compared them for evidence of the 11 personality disorders from Clusters A, B, and C from the DSM-IV, and found that 3 personality disorders were more common in corporate executives than in criminal populations. These were: Histrionic, Narcissistic, and Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorders.