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Not usually, bluebirds normally nest closer to the ground than martins.

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Q: I have bluebirds in my Martin house Is this common?
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Related questions

What two birds do the bluebirds have to compete with?

Generally house sparrows and house wrens. Both are cavity nesters and will compete with bluebirds for nesting spots.

Do Bluebirds mark their territory by pooping in the house?

Why of course!!!

Is it common for an adult Robin to help feed the another bird species babies because there is one feeding the 5 baby Bluebirds in the nesting box near the house?

No, that is not common. Robins don't use nestboxes so perhaps it's a bluebird. Bluebirds have a orange chest and a blue back.

Do bluebirds live in tenneesee?

The Eastern bluebird is common there.

Do bluebirds live in Maryland?

Yes. They live in New York where the environment is suitable.

What is a bluebirds niche?

They eat common garden insect pests.

Would you find bluebirds in Mississippi?

Yes. The Eastern bluebird is common there.

What non native bird has competitively excluded bluebirds and various woodpeckers from their habitat?

House sparrows and starlings often compete with bluebirds for places to build nests.

What do Eastern bluebirds and robins have in common?

Both are thrushes, members of the family "Turdidae".

Why are bluebirds called bluebirds?

Bluebirds are generally colored blue.

What kind of bird house has a 1 in hole?

That would be for chickadees and titmice. Too small for bluebirds.

Why does a Bluebird trying to get in house?

Bluebirds do sometimes just go in half way. They may be arranging nesting materials or doing something else. Entrance holes for bluebirds should be 1.5 inches.