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You can find flea treatment sprays for you household furniture and carpets at any store such as Walmart, Home Deopt or Lowes which can help get rid of them in the house and are not harmful to you or the furniture. Also you will want to check your local pet store for flea treatment for you dog, such as flea collars, one-spot treatments and bathing products.

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Q: I have fleas in my home. How do I get them out?
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Do cat fleas die after leaving the cat if their no more cats?

No, fleas will live in your home and bite people instead. Your home will need to be treated for fleas if a fleas are seen!

Does riddex get rid of fleas?

No we have one in our home and it didn't do a thing for fleas.

Is it possible to bring fleas home after going to a house that is believed to have fleas?

It is definitely possible to spread fleas around. Fleas go everywhere, so if you go somewhere with fleas, chances are that they are on you, and will soon be in your house, on your pets, or wherever you go. Until you take the right procedures to get rid of them. Fleas spread, and multiply like crazy.

How do fleas get into your home?

Generally courtesy of your pet-the host animal.

When a duck has eggs next to your home do you get fleas?

No. Not even if the mother has fleas. Actually, she won't let you get close enough to her to catch fleas if she has them. If you have a duck nest in your yard, I think you're pretty lucky.

Does riddex kill fleas in the home?

I called Riddex some same no.

How do you get of fleas in home?

To get fleas out of your home you should shampoo your carapet twice a day then let it dry then when it drys vaccum it then keep doing that for about 3 days or so then buy a spray im not so sure what the spray is called but you could ask someone who works at the store and then spray it all around your house then the fleas should leave. Hope i helped, i once has fleas and i did that and it worked!

Kill off Fleas?

form_title= Kill off Fleas form_header= Keep your family protected from flea itch. Do you have pets in the home?*= () Yes () No Do the pets have fleas?*= () Yes () No Have you tried any other remedies?*= () Yes () No If so, what kind?*= _ [50]

What Carpet Cleaners and Flea Killers are Available?

Getting rid of home fleas can be an uphill task. You have to treat your pets, which is generally where you would first identify the presence of this annoying friend. Then you would have to get rid of fleas in your home. For this, you would require to cover all areas of your home that is both indoor and outdoor. In other words, practically the whole thing in your house has to be cleaned and treated for fleas. What's most demanding to homeowners with a flea infested residence is carpet cleaning. Carpets are good breeding grounds for fleas. The eggs and larva of fleas tend to be embedded within carpets, which makes it harder to kill them.

Can finding fleas on your pup possibly infest my home?

possibly yes. inside dogs/puppies that like to jump up on things, could brign alot of fleas into your house.

How do you get rid of sand fleas in your pet-free home?

sprinkle table salt on carpets and let sit for 24 hours then vacuum up. the salt dehydrates and kills the fleas.

Can your dog have fleas but not your house?

yes, a house dog could get fleas...of course you go outside and walk around, your shoes touch the ground and your clothing picks up many things. When you get home, fleas can be on what your wearing and transferr to your dog. Also when you like your dog outside, you dog can catch fleas as well.