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Abraham Lincoln

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Q: I have often said there's nothing better for the inside of a man than the outside of a horse?
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What Is The Moral Lesson In The Cars 2?

theres nothing better than friendship

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There is a tackle and theres a gauard they are bith offensive lineman a guard is on the inside while the outside luneman are tackles!

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theres nothing better than experience in basketball.

Why the plant outside have lot of flowers and the one inside has no flowers?

outside theres more sun, fresh air, and inside i think the air from like heaters and stuff makes them sulk, and when they're inside, in their soil, they have no worms to make tunnels in the soil so they get constant oxygen and easy water outside theres more sun, fresh air, and inside i think the air from like heaters and stuff makes them sulk, and when they're inside, in their soil, they have no worms to make tunnels in the soil so they get constant oxygen and easy water

What do you do if a person wants to decorate your best friends locker for her birthday but you planned that you and your other best friend would do it?

All of you do it, theres nothing better than everyone helping and theres nothing worse than being told you cant

What dance track has the lyrics theres something about you when your around you brighten my day when im feeling down theres nothing better than me and you?

I love this song, title is "New Vision - (Just) Me And You" Enjoy it ;-)

Why Do People Don't Feel Beautiful Inside?

were am driving at right now is that in some cases it depends on why you don't feel beautiful inside some of them is because they think that they are not beautiful outside so theres no need wotsoever to feel beautiful inside some of them it might because their boyfriends said some nasty words so they start asking themselves questions why did he say that or am i not that beautiful for him that's when it starts and they start looking down on themselves and theres nothing you can do to convice dem. for me i say beauty don't come from the outside it comes from the inside cuz for me beauty inside is your character n so on so this were am parkin at

What do you buy to use to take care of your vagina?

Almost nothing. Unless theres something special going on, a mild soap to wash the outside bits should be enough.

What age can thay start going outside to use thee bathroom?

never u don't need to unless u don't have a toilet inside of your house. . .theres no reasoning to go outside that's gross and un called for!

How do you put in a open nose ring?

Okay so, theres an end with some type of disc/plate/ball/round bulb and theres an end with nothing on it, its the same size as the rest of the ring. Take the end with nothing on it and put it through the piercing from the inside of your nostril. That way, when you push the ring through, the wider end is on the inside and will stop the ring from falling out. I hope this helps :)you have to put it in backwards so the thin side goes from the inside of your nose to the out, and just pull it out until the other end is touching the inside of your nose

What do you do after the giant lifts his club?

Theres nothing you can do :(

Does earth have clouds around it?

no theres nothing