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If you are experiencing pregnancy symptoms, you need to see a doctor. You may be pregnant or it could be a phantom pregnancy.

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Q: I have symptoms of pregnancy i and many friends have seen and felt movement in my stomach I also look pregnant but the test said that i am not 8 months of this what is it?
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Teen pregnancy can be improved my spreading awareness. Telling your friends about how to have safe sex is a great way to prevent teen pregnancy. Knowing the facts about sex and how to not get pregnant.

Can a pregnant woman pass on her symptoms to a non-pregnant woman?

No she can not pass it on. Yes, it is not unusual for expectant fathers, close friends or housemates to share the symptoms - morning sickness, cravings and weight gain are the most common.

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mine was a week before my period my friends was a week after her missed period..

Did Lisa Kudrow have real pregnancy in Friends?

Yes. Lisa Kudrow was really pregnant when Phoebe was carrying the triplets

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I encourage you to find an adult friend that you trust (mum, aunt, teacher friends mum etc) and talk to her about it

Are you pregnant of you have sore nipples and tender breasts?

to me personnally this is how i knew i was pregnant before even taking a boobs were so sore it hurt to nipples were never sore but ive heard many of my friends complain about this.however they could just be tender cause your late.get a hpt and put your mind at ease.i hope you get the result your looking for.xx

How does teenage pregnancy change their relationships with their friends?

This is my opinion. Maybe if you're no the best of friends and you tell them your pregnant, your relationship might get a little awkward; she'll just ask you a whole bunch of questions about your pregnancy. If your good friends the relationship would get stronger, it won't be awkward at all, and you'll have lots of things to talk about. They'll have your back till the end.

Was Lisa Kudrow really pregnant in friends?

Yes she was. Kudrow was pregnant with her son Julian while on Friends. This was written into the script as Phoebe Buffay acting as a surrogate for her half brother, Frank and his older wife, Alice. The pregnancy resulted in triplets. Since Kudrow was much smaller in size than for a woman pregnant with triplets, she wore extra padding.

Is my tubal still good after 5 years?

yes u can have your time of the month while u are pregnant 2 of my friends did in the past through their whole pregnancy depends on your body....

When can you tell that you're pregnant?

Only thing that can tell you that is a pregnancy test! GOOD LUCKHome pregnancy tests can detect the HCG pregnancy hormone as soon as your first missed period. Doctors can detect the HCG hormone as early as 9 days past ovulation with blood work. It is usually safe for couples to share the news of their pregnancy with family and friends after the end of the first trimester, or 12 weeks gestation.

Can pregnancy symptoms start as early as the fourth day after conception?

Pregnancy symptoms do not start as early as the fourth day after conception. If a couple is trying to conceive or a woman is worried about getting pregnant pseudo pregnancy symptoms can occur at anytime.

Is vomiting always symptom for early pregnancy?

It certainly can be, but it is not a definite sign. Have you missed your period? Had unprotected sex? Taken a home exam? There are places to go if you want to get checked out. Local clinics can be relatively cheap and/or free depending on circumstances. And just so you know, not all women that are pregnant vomit.