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My mum has two femoral arteries in her right leg and one in the left.

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Q: I have two femoral arteries in each legWho else has this condition?
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Identify the three major arteries a rescuer must be able to locate?

The three major arteries that are useful in rescue work are:the radial pulse in the wristthe carotid pulse in the neck (one on each side)the femoral pulse in the groin (one on each side)Of these, you may feel the femoral and carotid last, especially in a dying patient.

Can you have two femoral arteries?

Yes, one in each leg. Or in some very rare cases two in one leg and one in the other making three.

Emergency situation two sites used for assessing pulse are?

Two commonly used sites for assessing pulse in an emergency situation are the carotid artery located in the neck and the radial artery located in the wrist. These sites are easily accessible and provide accurate readings of the heart rate.

What is the Expanding of the arteries after each heartbeat?


When embalming an autopsied body which artery should be used?

The internal and external carotid ( for the face /head ) the brachial for each arm and the femoral for each leg.

What kind of artery that supplies blood?

Radial arteries for each arm, but each finger as a pair of digital arteries.

Are there 20 arteries leading to the heart?

there are 0 arteries leading to the heart. all arteries take blood away from the heart I am not sure if there are 20 though there are probably more than that cause each bifurcation produces 2 more arteries from the aorta on down.

What is the proper listing for each cardiovascular part?

Heart Arteries Capillaries Veins

Can they pierce your belly button if it has a pulse?

no as they can also not pierce your heart. NOTE: There is no "pulse point" at the belly button. A pulse point is a specific location on the body where the "pulse" (the beat produced by blood flowing through arteries) can be felt. For example: the inside of either wrist; each side of the neck; the brachial pulse in each upper arm; the femoral, each side of the groin; popliteal behind the knees; and one on the top of each foot. The belly has a fat layer. You'd have to go deeper than that fat layer to any major blood vessels.

Are heart chambers called veins and arteries?

No, they are called atria and have two of each

The arteries that supply blood to the organs are generally in a series with each other than in parallel with each other?

Total peripheral resistance is the sum of all vascular resistances within the systematic circulation. The arteries that supply blood to the organs are parallel rather than in series with each other.

Pressure wave created by the expansion and recoiling of arteries?

Pulse.The alternate expansion and recoil of arteries create a pressure wave called pulse, that moves along the arteries with each heartbeat.Source: Biology of Humans. Goodenough.McGuire, 34rd Edition. page 222