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No, unfortunately this grill is gas only. However, for a gas grill, it is very easy to cook on. It�s not terribly different from your Weber Kettle.

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Q: I know this grill is set up for gas, but can I use charcoal as well?
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Is charcoal a safe product to use on a gas or barbecue grill or will it explode when the grill is lit?

Charcoal is not safe to use on a gas grill. The grill was not designed for the heat and contact with the charcoal. It isn't likely to explode, but it may very well fall apart and cause problems.

Over time, is it cheaper to operate a gas grill or a charcoal grill?

Charcoal and gas grills usually cost around the same in the long run. It is more expensive to buy a gas grill, but charcoal to use in a charcoal grill is much more expensive than gas to use in a gas grill.

What brands of grills do not need you to use charcoal?

There are gas grills where you do not have to use characoal. There are gas grill from webber as well as Charogrill which offers these gas grill.

Why would I purchase a charcoal grill instead of a gas grill?

One of the primary reasons people choose a charcoal grill over a gas grill is because they can use different types of wood chips or charcoal to help flavor their meat.

What is the difference between a gas and charcoal BBQ grill?

A gas BBQ grill is easier to use, and is more convenient, but a charcoal grill will give you a smoky flavor, which cannot be achieved by using a gas BBQ. Gas BBQs are also safer than charcoal grills.

Which is better, a charcoal barbecue grill or a gas barbecue grill?

Charcoal grills are nice to have. Some advantages is that you can purchase different kinds of flavored charcoal for the grill. Also a small portable charcoal grill is ideal for camping.

Are there any advantages to using a charcoal grill over a gas grill?

charcoal grill are much more inexpensive than gas grills. They give food a stronger smoky flavor. But gas grills are very easy to start compared to charcoal grills.

What benefits can I get for using barbecue charcoal grill?

Many say that the benefits of a barbecue charcoal grill would be the true barbecue flavor that you get from a charcoal grill. Some people prefer a gas grill over a charcoal grill strictly for the convenience, but a charcoal grill will give you a great barbecue flavor when you cook your foods on it.

What is the difference in taste between a charcoal grill and a gas grill?

A charcoal grill is filled with charcoal pieces called "briquettes," which once set on fire will burn for some time. Gas grills are powered by propane gas, which is stored in a tank and attached to the side of the grill. Cooking with charcoal adds a smokey, charred flavor to meat, while propane gas is flavorless and so provides a cleaner cooking experience.

What makes BBQ gas grills better than BBQ charcoal grills?

The benefits of a gas grill over a charcoal grill are minimal if you are a seasoned barbeque'er. However, the gas grill can give you a more even cooking surface on which to cook and the smoke of meat drippings is virtually invisible compared to that of a charcoal. There is the advantage of not having to wait until coals are hot with the gas grill like you would with the charcoal.

I want to buy a new outdoor grill, and want to know the pros and cons between a charcoal grill and a gas grill?

Some people say food tastes better if it cooked over charcoal. I think gas is the best because it is easier, you don't have to worry about getting the coals to light.

Is the charcoal barbecue grill a good grill?

Many people prefer a charcoal grill over a gas grill. It is truly a matter of personal preference. I personally find that I like the gas grill because it is easier to light as well as maintaining a good cooking temperature. There is nothing specifically that states that one is better than the other though; it is really your preference.