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If you mean for the CARS or "Cash for Clunkers" program, that ended a week ago.

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Q: I need a Military School for my grandson/foster child. No one has been able to help him so far. He is 9.?
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You should contact Military School Options at 1-866-573-6572. They should be able to assist you in finding a school in the region you are wanting and at a price you can afford.

What proof do you have to have to show your child graduated from high school for child support to stop in CA?

You may be able to receive a copy of the transcript from the registrar of the school your child attended.

Today’s military school for children?

Military school is often times thought of as something negative for children. In reality, it can be something very positive for them. From the beginning of time, the leaders of our nation have put great emphasis on a military education. Today this type of education is not only for those serving in the military but has now become a popular and effective option for some students. A military school is now seen as not training for war but training for life. If you have once thought about a military school for your child but believed it was too “military’, it is now time to give it another thought. Today, military schools provide more of an academic environment and should be considered as a good alternative to some mediocre public schools. Many troubled teens are often sent to a military school to reshape their lives and get back on track. These teenagers learn discipline and structure through a strict schedule and the emphasis that is placed on teamwork in a military style school setting. Students learn self-control, discipline and personal responsibility. This type of experience teaches a child to be able to follow a schedule, prioritize their tasks and act respectfully towards authority figures and adults. In military school, students are expected to engage in many different physical activities and sports to build their endurance and strength. If a child is one who is underachieving, resistant to authority or unmotivated in any way, military school may be the right answer. Every military school is different in one way or another. Some have the reputation of being too regimented and sometimes cruel and others seem too lenient. When trying to decide on which military to send your child, consider one that is somewhat close to your home, caters to the age of your child and meets your education standards. You want to make sure that you are choosing a military school that will be best suited for your child and his or her needs.

How do you get help for your child if you're not financially able to afford the cost of the military schools?

i would like help finding out finacial help also my son is out of control There are specific financial aid programs that you can go through to get money for military school. Check your local bank.

How do you find out which public school your child can go to?

Contact your local school district's office, and let them know where you live. They should be able to direct you to the right school, or let you know which schools are available to your child.

How old do you have to be in able to go into military school ?

did you ever find out how old a child needs to be to attend IN ORDER TO GET INROLL IN MILITARY SCHOOL HOW OLD DO YOU NEED TO BE The age limit depends on the education levels the schools offer. Their are several school that will take a child as a day student upto a certain age and then allow them to become boarding students. Then there are schools were you are a boarding student for the school year. Going home on holidays and other breaks. Military Schools that take Elemetary school age children will not board a child until the 4th grade. The same schools will allow day student through the 3rd grade. Most of these schools are Catholic Private Military Schools. Once a child is getting ready to go into the higher grades 6th-12th you can find both private Co-ed as wells as all Boys Military Schools. You will not find any all Girl Military Schools. But can still find all Girl Private and Catholic Schools. Please feel free to contact me at anytime for further assistance. robertfo

Can my child's school demand that I have his hair cut?

Depending on the school that your child attends they may be able to mandate his hair style. Many private schools do require a certain look.

why do people have home school?

Reasons vary for different students. Here are a couple reasons:The child may be socially awkward The child may have special needs The child's parents may not be able to afford a school and they don't want their child to go to a public school because of the badenvironment.

How old do you have to be to able to go to school?

did you ever find out how old a child needs to be to attend IN ORDER TO GET INROLL IN MILITARY SCHOOL HOW OLD DO YOU NEED TO BE The age limit depends on the education levels the schools offer. Their are several school that will take a child as a day student upto a certain age and then allow them to become boarding students. Then there are schools were you are a boarding student for the school year. Going home on holidays and other breaks. Military Schools that take Elemetary school age children will not board a child until the 4th grade. The same schools will allow day student through the 3rd grade. Most of these schools are Catholic Private Military Schools. Once a child is getting ready to go into the higher grades 6th-12th you can find both private Co-ed as wells as all Boys Military Schools. You will not find any all Girl Military Schools. But can still find all Girl Private and Catholic Schools. Please feel free to contact me at anytime for further assistance. robertfo

What is the law on Child EMancipation in BC?

In BC, a child must be able to support themselves financially before they will be considered for emancipation. They also must be able to continue attending school and have shelter and a job.

If child is 18 no longer in school moved out of hus fathers home and is able to work and decides to move back to his fathers home could you have support stoped?

I am a paralegal student and just happen to be discussing child support in family law. I live in Texas and here once the child turns 18 child support stops it also stops when is no longer attending school, has his own family, also meaning if he has a child of his own and joins the military. hope this helps

Can you file a law suit if a teacher physically abuses your child?

Yes. You may also be able to name the school or school board in the suit.