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Many of the symptoms for a heart condition are similar between male and female. They are usually; a feeling of pain or pressure on your chest, shortness of breath, a cold sweat, and nausea. If you feel you may be at risks, I suggest you see your doctor right away.

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Q: I need to know the difference between the symptoms for a man and a woman who may be suffering a heart attack?
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What symptoms are experienced the most with women when they are suffering heart attacks?

Having a heart attack is a very serious thing and picking up on symptoms early can save a life. A few symptoms are: numbness in an arm or an entire side of the body, coughing, having trouble breathing, and feeling extremely exhausted.

Symptoms of Women's Heart Attacks?

Women who have heart attack symptoms are often misdiagnosed because the symptoms of a woman's heart attack are very different than those of a man. Many people, including women and their doctors, consider chest pain to be the main sign of a heart attack. While chest pain is a common sign of a heart attack for men, women do not necessarily feel this pain when they are having a heart attack.Common Female Heart Attack SymptomsThough women experience different symptoms than men, a heart attack is equally life threatening in men and women. Unfortunately, when women's symptoms are not recognized as signs of a heart attack, the condition can be even more dangerous. While symptoms differ between men and women, there are commonalities in heart attack symptoms among women. Some of the common signs of a heart attack in a woman include:

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The face,wing,type,attack,and the body

Name the female heart attack symptoms.?

this is a very good question. but every good question always has a good answer to go along with it. female heart attack symptoms are the same as male hearth attack symptoms.

What causes symptoms similar to a gallbladder attack?

begins in the abdomen and may radiate to the chest, back, or the area between the shoulders

Where can I find more information on heart attack symptoms ?

You can find information on heart attack symptoms by going to the Mayo Clinic website. Their information is detailed and factual. Their website address is