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show confidence and go for it...whats the worst that can happen.

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Q: I really like this girl but I can't tell if she is in to me and while we hang out and are friends and have kissed while drunk how can I man-up and make a move while sober without it being akward?
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What is the subject in the girl kissed her best friend?

The subject in the sentence "The girl kissed her best friend" is "the girl."

Do you take your friends on your first date?

Well depends .. Is the relationship between you and your gf/bf really akward? If it is , a double date might be better than taking your friends. After one date , you wont be as akward anymore then you probs wont need friends to go with you guys after that.

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AnswerWell if you kissed him and if your both friends he would probely like it and would kiss you back if he really like you

Does terrence like Tinkerbell?

Probably yes, It's possible because they are like really, really close friends but I also think that they might like it if they just stay best friends because it's kinda akward if you think about it.

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oh he LOVES her...and not as a best friend either. i mean since when did best friends start kissing?? honestly its completely obvious that he has a major crush on her seeing as he kissed her AND got jealous really really jealous when she had a boyfriend...that was before he kissed her by the way

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I think you should sometimes try to start a conversation with him\ her so you can get comforable talking to them , and maybe you can try hanging out with that person and maybe soon you guys can soon be really good friends. If that doesn't work you should comfront the person and tell them you'd like to be friends.

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They both won the Critic's choice award for best actress so they first did like if they were fighting so to show that they are good friends in the real life Sandra kissed her.

What does it mean when your best guy friend makes out with you?

umm maybe he is starting to like you. It really depends how long u have been friends with him and how long you kissed.

Are scotty and Lauren in a relationship?

NO WAY! They are just really close friends, and just because Lauren kissed Scotty on American Idol it was just because Scotty won but other than that they are the best of friends!

Will you be kissed?

if you really whanted to be then yes.

Has miley kissed a girl on the lips b4?

Not really she has never kissed a girl b4

How can a sixth grade boy like a girl in 4th grade girl?

It depends. It could be a little akward for the girl, and, generally your friends would probably make fun if they knew. It really just comes down to what you think! :)