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the music video is about this kid who graffitis on this old mans wall and the man chases him and stabs him.

i need to know the answer.

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Q: I saw this music video on tv but i cant remember the song you need help?
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For weaks i have been having a problem with a song i cant remember any of the lyrics in it but i remember what the music video was like i knowe this is a hard one but please help?

well i could not putt all the info in so here it is this is the music video its a rock song from 1990-2000 i belive in the music video they are on some sort of space ship and its a good rock song with lots of singing during the music video the singers are attacked by a gigent squid alien monster it was a well known song but i have forgot it and its realy anoying me :P plz help i knowe this is a hard one but i belive you peapole can make it. :P yes im realy realy bad a English writing and for that im sorry :P plz don't sue me

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the way to help you remember Christmas past is to have video's and pictures.... and our love and presents!!!!! :)

I can't remember the song or the lyrics but i can remember the music video please help in it there are a bunch of scientists and a guy in a chair and they show him images and then shock him?

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Can anyone help you find this song based off the music video?

In the video a man moves into a motel and starts stalking a girl. by the end of the video the man finds out that the girl is stalking him instead. I know this isn't a lot to go off but it's all I remember.

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The purpose of music in commercials is to get your attention, and to help you remember the product when you hear that music again.

How can one record a music video to use on a music videos site?

One can hire a videographer to record a music video for a music site. One can also use a still camera and set it at a distance to record. Many professionals will also help with editing the video.

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if its for the ipod then use the itunes if its for a different brand then srry cant help u there

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Alkaline Trio - Help Me

Music video to music videos in iPod?

If you have a video on Youtube and you want views, then you have to put a link in your video description which directs to your video. Along with this, you have to promote your video on different websites and on related forums. This will help you in getting a lot of views in a short time.

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Either level 50 or 55 i cant remember. Hope this help! :3

What is traditional music of Germany?

There are many ways to promote music video. You should have a plan for your marketing campaign. If you have a great video, you can use the following ways for your music video promotion: 1. Post it on YouTube or Vimeo. 2. Submit your video to YouTube and Vimeo, which can help your video get featured. 3. Submit your video to sites like Reddit, Tumblr, StumbleUpon, and Digg etc. 4. Use Facebook and Twitter to promote your music video. 5. Use YouTube, Vimeo, and Facebook to promote your video. 6. Use email marketing to promote your video.