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If you are worried that you are suffering from depersonalization depression and Bipolar disorder, you will need to see a doctor. A doctor can offer treatment.

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Q: I think I have depersonalization depression and maybe bipolar?
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it may just be something that happened in your life to cause this. if you cant think of anything that would cause this turn in your life, maybe you have a depression or bipolar disorder. the symptoms of depression are: feeling sad(obviously) losing interest having aches and pains fatigue talk to your doctor if you have these symptoms, and get a anti depressent

What is the difference between depression and bi polar?

The main difference between them is that people with depression experience only depression, whereas people afflicted by bipolar disorder experience both depression and hypomania or mania. When someone is depressed they often link everything to being their fault and often feel like suicide.Whereas, my friend who has bipolar is different in the sense that when you have bipolar, you experience happy and sad emotions, that contrast each other greatly. I see my friend having a laugh and enjoying herself. Then totally depressed another time.Bipolar disorder causes dramatic mood swings-from overly "high" and/or irritable (Mania) to sad and hopeless (Depression), and then back again, often with periods of normal mood in between. Severe changes in energy and behavior go along with these changes in mood. The periods of highs and lows are called episodes of mania and depression. People with bipolar disorder can have episodes of mild to severe mania in addition to severe depressive episodes. (Mild mania is called hypomania. )There are 2 main types of bipolar disorder. Bipolar 1 includes severe depressive and manic episodes and in some cases visual or auditory hallucinations. Bipolar 2 includes hypomania alternating with depression.

Can bipolar lead to suicidal toughts?

Of course. Bipolar disorder is characterized by swings in mood, including mania and depression. Both extreme moods can lead to suicidal thoughts in patients. During extreme mania, bipolar patients can experience hallucinations. For example, they may think someone or something is telling them to kill themselves. Extreme Depression can obviously lead to suicidal thoughts. It is estimated that if left untreated, a person with bipolar disorder is 5 times more likely to commit suicide.

If you want to be depressed are you depressed?

umm not really. but if you feel like you deserve depression like your not worthy that's itself could be a sign of depression. Talk to a counselor about it. see what they think. but you shouldn't want to be deprssed. believe me i know what its like (i have bipolar)

Mental disorder that causes going to hospital or doctor?

There are so many . . . I can think of bipolar disorder, depression, disassociation disorder, panic disorder, personality disorder, asocial disorder among the many.

What is another name for bipolar?

Manic-depression. Bi-Polar Disorder can be difficult for the individual experiencing the symptoms and for their friends and family. Bipolar Disorder is a complex illness and there is a range of severity. There are many different symptoms -- and several different types -- of bipolar disorder. The most common symptoms of the disorder are dramatic and unpredictable mood swings. The various types of bipolar disorder range from mild to severe. If you think that you or someone you know is expereincing symptoms of Bi-polar Disorder then you should reach out to a professional. The symptoms of Bi-Polar Disorder can be treated effectively with counseling and medication.

Is rhiannon bipolar?

Rhiannon would need to be evaluated by a mental health professional to be properly diagnosed as Bipolar.

Is Lady Gaga a nut?

No, she is not crazy! She is very smart!! She knows that if she does something wild she will be on the news, in magazines, and on tv. So the more extraordinary things she does, the more popular she will get! Would you have thought of that?? I think not!!

Can you explain some of the symptoms for Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar Disorder is a mental disease that makes the person have extreme mood swings. Having bipolar also makes you think about things you wouldn't normally think about or possibly do things that you normally wouldn't do. My sister has a extreme case of bipolar.

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Typical features of Bipolar disorder: swings of mood rather like a metronome, from one extreme to another extreme. Depression versus Mania. Not to be confused by typical teenage behaviour.

You think you may be depressed?

No, i think i might be bipolar, totally different.

If you have been bipolar for 20 years then kill yourself is the cause of death bipolar or suicide?

Its both, the bipolar messes with your brain which probably would give you suicidal thoughts so there isn't one or the other. It's both. Chika, Wow! I never expected your answer to my question. I am going to have to think about it for a while. You get a gold star! Maybe I wrote the question wrong. You only get to choose one cause of death on the death certificate--so what do you think suicide or bipolar? Looking forward to your answer. Oh, and I would love to hear your reasoning behind your first question!