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You should still go see a doctor and have a lab test and/or exam done to confirm or rule out pregnancy. It may have been a "chemical" pregnancy (miscarriage before you knew your were pregnant) or you could still be pregnant. Only a doctor can confirm a diagnosis either way.

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Q: I was over a week late for my period and I took 3 pregnancy test all 3 have the faint positive sign I started my period it is not a normal period though What should you do?
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Is it normal if you started bleeding heavily the day after your implantation day or have you started your period early?

You may of started your period early. All you can do is wait and see if this turns into a normal period. Or do a pregnancy test in a few days time.

You toke a pregnancy test and it said positive but you started your period are you pregnant?

yes u are pregant

Is there such things as implantation without an expected period and have normal cycle later?

No. Implantation does not always cause bleeding, a late period with a positive pregnancy test is the only way to be sure "implantation" or pregnancy has occurred.

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Go see an OB/GYN (pregnancy doctor) ASAP to get a definitive answer.

Heavy period pregnancy test came out positive can you still be pregnant?

The test will show positive until the pregnancy hormones have gone back to normal it can take a few weeks. You have to see a doctor if you suspect miscarriage. There can be remains that have to be removed.

I had a positive pregnancy test two days later i started bleeding i had clots but it wasn't my usual period?

Go for an ultrasound and talk to your doctor.

Can a miscarriage be detected in a month of pregnancy because you have just started your period 10 days late and have had positive and negative pregnancy results?

yes, it happend to me.... i wish you the best of luck hun

One positive one negative result no period and pregnancy symptoms are you pregnant?

As I was once told, "a positive is a positive"The body produced a hormone called HCG only when pregnant.HCG is the hormone that is produced by the placenta during pregnancy. This hormone is what a pregnancy test detects. It stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. During a normal pregnancy, the HCG levels will steadily rise throughout pregnancy.

Could you be pregnant if you feel nauseous in the afternoon urinating wall lining very emotional headaches?

The normal signs of pregnancy are a missed period and a positive pregnancy test. Take a pregnancy test to see if you're pregnant.

If you get a positive result on your pregnancy test but then start your normal period three days later. am i still pregnant?

Yes. It is astronomically unlikely to get a false positive. However, if you are bleeding and the flow is like a normal period you need to go to the doctor NOW! You could be starting to miscarry. Good luck!

When will a pregnancy test be positive after a short period?

yes it will

Why would your period be black and stringy?

These are just normal variations of heavy flow. But if you are sexually active, a pregnancy test will be positive for 2 weeks if it was a miscarriage.