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ummm.... i think i would contact a doctor with that question....

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Q: Iam 37 weeks 4cm dialated and having what feel like menstrual cramps is that labor?
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What causes Menstrual type cramps and lower back pain during pregnancy?


How can you tell the difference between menstrual cramps and pregnancy cramps?

Just speaking from experience. You shouldn't have pregnanacy cramps?? When I was miscarring I had severe cramping but that was later on the preganancy. Do you have spotting or bleeding? If so, contact your doctor right away! Have you miised you scheduled period? Menstrual cramps feel similar to inital labor pains, but of course the labor pains become much more intense. Good luck to you. THE REAL ANSWER RIGHT HERE!!!!!! should have cramping during pregnancy because your uterus is making way for the baby. yeah you can have misscarrage cramps but c'mon, everyone knows about implantation cramps.....

Does 4cms dialated mean a woman is in labor?


When you are 38 weeks and 1Cm dilated having horrible back and leg pains and also having menstrual cramps is this a sign of labor coming soon?

In labourBack pain - particularly lower back pain can definitely be an indicator of labour onset. Labor pains are exactly the same as menstrual cramps, so you may be going into labor.Unfortunately they may die away and come back later, it is very frustrating. If they are getting frequent and regular see your labor provider.You have probaly had your babe by now, good luck.

Why am i having few contractions at 5cm dilated and 50 effaced?

The baby probably isn't ready yet. Where I went to the hospital if you were 5cm dialated they would keep you and induce labor. you can be zero dilated and be in labor. As soon as your muscles start contracting you are in labor and have pains.

Are stomach pains while pregnant the same as period pains?

Contractions feel like menstrual cramps. If you're pregnant and feel like you have menstrual cramps, call your doctor or go to the hospital. I have 4 children myself. There is no better way to describe the onset of labor than it feels like you are getting ready to start your period.

Im 36 weeks and 3 cm dialated but not effaced How can you get labor going?

Im 36wks and 3cm dialated but my cervix is not softened yet there is no sure way to get labor started your baby will come wgen it's good and ready!!

What is difference between labor room and delivery room?

Labour room is where you go before the birth (e.g. having contractions) and before you're dialated enough to go to the delivery room. The delivery room is where you give birth to the baby when you have dialated enough to push the baby out of yo vagina.

How do doctors see how far a person is dialated when they are in labor?

they dont see they feel and it is a midwife that does it :)

Where do contractions happen?

It depends on the woman, and the stage of labor. In my case they felt similar to that aching feeling you get when you smash a finger or toe, but in my abdomen and very extreme. Others say it feels like bad menstrual cramps.

Should you go to the hospital if you are 38 weeks pregnant and feel menstrual cramps?

Call your obstetrician's office first, unless they provided other parameters in advance. They will likely want to know what the timing is between cramps and they will advise you about when to head to the hospital. Labor doesn't always start with the water breaking. For me, labor lasted only 6 hours and the doctor had to break the water both times.

Do worse cramps cause worse labor pains?

It is hard to measure the relationship of cramps to labor pains since both can be very intense and vary from woman to woman.