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Q: What causes Menstrual type cramps and lower back pain during pregnancy?
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Related questions

Can you have period cramps in early pregnancy?

Yes, at the time for your first period after conception. Cramping is common during other times of pregnancy but it's not uterine or menstrual cramping.

Is it normal to feel menstrual cramps when 4 weeks pregnant?

Yes, providing they are not severe or come with blood.

Can you be pregnant while you have period cramps?

Yes, but usually only at the time you would have had your first period after conception. After that it's normal to have pregnancy cramps but they're not normally menstrual cramps. If you are asking whether you can get pregnant during your period the answer is, it's very unlikely.

What causes menstrual cycle to seize?

The menstrual cycle seizes once the vagina is done shedding its lining otherwise for it to FULLY seize it would be during menopause or during a time of pregnancy.

How can you tell the difference between menstrual cramps and pregnancy cramps?

Just speaking from experience. You shouldn't have pregnanacy cramps?? When I was miscarring I had severe cramping but that was later on the preganancy. Do you have spotting or bleeding? If so, contact your doctor right away! Have you miised you scheduled period? Menstrual cramps feel similar to inital labor pains, but of course the labor pains become much more intense. Good luck to you. THE REAL ANSWER RIGHT HERE!!!!!! should have cramping during pregnancy because your uterus is making way for the baby. yeah you can have misscarrage cramps but c'mon, everyone knows about implantation cramps.....

Are period cramps different from pregnancy cramps?

The uterus is a muscle. It's the contraction of this muscle that causes both menstrual cramps and birth cramps. You can have uterine cramping at the time you would have had your first period after conception. If you have spotting after this time for your first period tell your doctor soon. It's normal to have cramps during pregnancy. They're likely to be from other causes -- stomach cramps, constipation, etc. You may want to mention them to your doctor at your next regular visit. ============================== I am 4 weeks pregnant and my cramps feel very similar to period cramps. However, the seem to be just slightly higher and a little more dull. They are also paired with nausea and breast tenderness.

Pain caused by uterine cramps during a menstrual period?


How painful are cramps in the first trimester of pregnancy?

Everyone is different and every pregnancy is different. I had cramps during my first pregnancy which felt a lot like period cramps, but I did not have cramps during my other two pregnancies. They usually disappear after the third month (12 weeks.)

Do you get cramps during your period?

Menstrual cramps are common but they are not a normal part of healthy menstruation at all. Some people may have underlying health conditions to cause menstrual cramps, but most people can prevent menstrual cramps all together - so don't think they're something you have to just tolerate.

What is pain caused by uterine cramps during a menstrual period called?


Which condition is pain caused by uterine cramps during a menstrual period?


Can you have cramps and bleeding during the beginning of pregnancy?
