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no because his mentally ill. if you took him to court then the judge wont believe him. get a divorce love, then you'll get custody as he is ill. sexy jim want my number then just ask x

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Q: Iam married to a pysically and mentally abusive man we have 2 kids together can he get me for kidnapping if I take the kids out of state?
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Did anything happen when Michael Jackson was a kid?

His father was abusive, both mentally and psychically.

If a man showed abusive signs early in the relationship but now acts mentally healthy what are the chances he is still abusive?

if he want to commit sadist acts with you such as murder, bondage, or bestiality, then he is prolly still abusive.

How can one leave their mentally abusive spouse and not have to worry about losing their 2 kids to the spouse?

If you can prove that he's been mentally abusive (statements and letters from friends or family would help) then it would be up to a judge to decide whether the children should be subjected to a mentally abusive father. By the way, there are some who believe that allowing children to witness the physical or mental abuse between parents is actually a form of child abuse.

Can a battered and thretned woman and her child leave the abusive spouse without his consent and be considered kidnapping?

leave now before he starts hitting the child. It is not kidnapping, you are only trying to protect you and your child. Get help, call the cops.

If the ex is mentally unstable can you keep him from seeing your child?

unless he has been abusive towards the child you cant stop him from seeing his child. but if mentally unstable maybe with supervision

How can you get your children to the UK from their abusive father?

You will need a lawyer to try and get you full custody of your children and your lawyer will have to prove your husband is abusive to his children. If you presently have duel custody of your children and you take the children to the UK you could be charged with kidnapping.

What can you do to keep your daughter from being exposed to her mentally abusive stepmother during her visitation with her bio dad?

Have a lawyer help you make visitation rules.

What do you call people who devise means to mentally harass a girl when they realize that she will always say NO?

abusive, bully, moron, assailent, and human waste

When should a woman leave her obsessive controlling verbally and mentally abusive husband?

Immediately. Reach out to a close friend or relative for help, and leave as soon as you can.

Can domestic violence cause mental health problems?

Yes, definitely. Usually abusers come from abusive families and may be mentally ill themselves.

In 6 months you turn 18 can you legally move out of your mothers mentally and verbally abusive household to live with reletives in a healthy environment and go school?
