

Identifiers are the names given to different entities eg?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Yes eg.

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Q: Identifiers are the names given to different entities eg?
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An identifier is a name. All names must be declared with a type.

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Invalid variable names are identifiers that are not recognised by the language compiler. All user-defined identifiers (both names and type definitions) must be introduced to the compiler by a declaration. A definition is also a declaration, however a definition is not required to use a name, only the declaration. However, all declarations must be defined somewhere. Different programming languages have different conventions for naming identifier. However, in most languages, a name must always begin with a letter or an underscore, never a digit, because a leading digit usually signifies a value and would only complicate the language compiler's implementation. Case-sensitive languages, such as C treat 'name', 'Name' and 'NAME' as being different identifiers while case-insensitive languages will treat them as being the same identifier.

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It is false. C is a case-sensitive language, so VALUE, Value and value are all treated as being different identifiers. By convention, all C standard library names are in lowercase and macro names are in uppercase. User-defined names typically begin with a leading capital.

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What are the rules of creating identifier?

Identifiers refers to the names of variables, functions and array. These are user defined names and consist of a sequence of letters and digits, with a letters as a first character.Both uppercase and lowercase letters are permitted, although lowercase letters are commonly used. The underscore character is also permitted in identifiers. It is usually used as a link between two words in long identifiers. In C, identifiers may contain any alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) as well as underscores (_), but must not begin with a number.